Friday, December 27, 2019

Elementary School Science Fair Projects

It can be a challenge to come up with an elementary school science fair project idea thats fun and challenging. Even at the grade-school level, there will be fierce competition to come up with the winning idea—but winning first prize should not be the focus of your childs project. Learning and making the project fun and encouraging a genuine interest in science should be your top priority. Elementary School Science Fair Project Basics Elementary school projects arent supposed to be rocket science (though of course, they can be). Keep in mind, judges will disqualify projects if they suspect parents did too much or all of the work. Part of science is making a reproducible procedure. Resist the temptation to let your child make a display or do a demonstration. Instead, gear the project toward answering a question or solving a problem. Start by finding a video an online tutorial for a project that appeals to your child and then let him or her try to reproduce it. Make sure to follow all directions and safety precautions outlined in the experiment to the letter. Documentation is also essential to the success of your childs project. Keeping careful notes and taking pictures as the project progresses is a great way to document data. These notes should include how well his or her results match those of the original project. How Much Time Should Be Devoted to the Project? Time is a factor that has to be considered for all science projects. Even though the actual number of hours spent to complete any given project may be the same, some science fair projects can be done over the space of a weekend, while others that involve recording data over a period of time (say, 10 minutes per day over the course of a few weeks). Finding out if theres going to be a year-end science fair that your child will be expected to participate in will allow you to plan accordingly. Weekend Projects The following projects can be accomplished fairly quickly. Make sure your child sets a specific goal to be achieved or question they will be attempting to answer. Gather the specific items needed to complete the project in advance. Have your child document the steps in the experiment as they go along and also record his or her conclusion at the end. Try making colored bubbles. Can you color them with food coloring? If so, what differences do you notice between colored bubbles and regular bubbles?Can you predict what things will glow under a black light?Will chilling an onion before cutting it keep you from crying?What ratio of vinegar to baking soda produces the best chemical volcano eruption?Are night insects attracted to lamps because of heat or light?Can you make Jell-O using fresh pineapples instead of canned pineapples?Do white candles burn at a different rate than colored candles?Compare using saltwater (a saturated solution of sodium chloride) and freshwater to dissolve Epsom salts. Will the saltwater dissolve the Epsom salts? Does the freshwater or saltwater work more quickly or effectively?Does the shape of an ice cube affect how quickly it melts?Do different brands of popcorn leave different amounts of unpopped kernels?How do differences in surfaces affect the adhesion of tape?If you shake up different kinds or brands of soft drinks (e.g., carbonated), will they all spew the same amount?Are all potato chips equally greasy (you can crush them to get uniform samples and look at the diameter of a grease spot on brown paper)? Is greasiness different if different oils are used (e.g., peanut versus soybean)?Can you use a household water filter to remove flavor or color from other liquids?Does the power of a microwave affect how well it makes popcorn?If you use invisible ink, does a message appear equally well on all types of paper? Does it matter what type of invisible ink you use?Do all brands of diapers absorb the same amount of liquid? Does it matter what the liquid is (water as opposed to juice or milk)?Do different brands of batteries (same size, new) last equally long? Does changing the device in which the batteries are used (e.g., running a flashlight as opposed to running a digital camera) change the results?Is the nutritional content of different brands of a vegetable (e.g., canned peas) the s ame? Compare labels.Are permanent markers really permanent? What solvents (e.g., water, alcohol, vinegar, detergent solution) will remove the ink? Do different brands/types of markers produce the same results?Is laundry detergent as effective if you use less than the recommended amount? More?How does the pH of soil relate to the pH of the water around the soil? You can make your own pH paper, test the pH of the soil, add water, then test the pH of the water. Are the two values the same? If not, is there a relationship between them?Do clear flavored drinks and colored flavored drinks (same flavor) taste the same? Does it matter if you can see the color?What percent of an orange is water? Get an approximate mass percent by weighing an orange, liquefying it in a blender, and measuring the strained liquid. (Note: other liquids, such as oils, will be present in trace amounts.) Alternatively, you could bake the weighed orange until it is dried and weigh it again.Does the temperature of a soda affect how much it sprays?You can refrigerate a soda, warm one in a hot water bath, shake them up, measure how much liquid is sprayed out. How do you explain the results?Do all brands of soda spray the same amount when you shake them up? Does it matter if its diet or regular soda?Do all brands of paper towels pick up the same amount of liquid? Compare single sheet of different brands. Be sure to use a teaspoon to measure incremental additions of liquid and record the number accurately. Continue to add liquid until the sheet until it is saturated, let any excess liquid drip off, and then squeeze the liquid from the wet paper towel into a measuring cup. Week-Long Projects These projects may take more than a few days to complete, as the processes they involve dont always happen overnight. If one of these projects interests your child, make sure he or she will have enough time to see it through to its conclusion, and again, make sure they document the steps they take along the way. What type of plastic wrap best prevents evaporation?What plastic wrap best prevents oxidation?Figure out how much of a weeks worth of your familys trash could be recycled. Compare the recyclables against the total amount of trash to determine what percentage is thrown away what could be re-used.Does light affect the rate at which foods spoil?Do the same types of mold grow on all types of bread?How does temperature affect the growth of Borax crystals? Crystals can be grown at room temperature, in the refrigerator, or in an ice bath. Growing crystals takes from two to five days. Since boiling water is required to melt the Borax, make sure to supervise your child.What conditions affect the ripening of fruit? Look at ethylene and enclosing a fruit in a sealed bag, temperature, light, or nearness to other pieces or fruit. Plant Germination and Growth (Long-Term Projects) Projects that involve growing plants over a period of time to see how different factors affect growth rate and germination are very popular with kids but they do take time and careful tending. You want your child to be excited by science. If it seems like a chore, they may lose interest. Younger children or those with short attention spans may be better off with a project from which they can see the results more quickly. If your child is good at keeping up with commitments and has the patience to watch things unfold, these projects are excellent examples from which they can learn and draw their scientific conclusions. How do different factors affect seed germination? Factors that you could test include the intensity, duration, or type of light, the temperature, the amount of water, the presence/absence of certain chemicals, or the presence/absence of soil. You can look at the percentage of seeds that germinate or the rate at which seeds germinate.Is a seed affected by its size? Do different size seeds have different germination rates or percentages? Does seed size affect the growth rate or final size of a plant?How does cold storage affect the germination of seeds? Factors you can control include the type of seeds, length of storage, the temperature of storage, light, and humidity.Does the presence of detergent in water affect plant growth?What is the effect of a chemical on a plant? You can look at natural pollutants (e.g., motor oil, runoff from a busy street) or unusual substances (e.g., orange juice, baking soda). Factors that you can measure include rate of plant growth, leaf size, life/death of the plant, the color of ​the  plant, and its ability to flower/bear fruit.Does magnetism affect the growth of plants? Science Fair Projects Beyond Grade School If your child loves science and is nearing grade school graduation and you want to keep their enthusiasm engaged, you can plan ahead by getting familiar with these science project ideas geared toward more advanced levels of education. Middle School ProjectsHigh School ProjectsCollege Projects

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Capital Punishment And The Death Penalty - 1539 Words

Capital punishment, otherwise known as the death penalty, has been the center of debate for a long time. Capital punishment may be defined as the â€Å"[e]xecution of an offender sentenced to death after conviction by a court of law of a criminal offense† (Capital Punishment). Up until 1846, when Michigan became the first to abolish the death sentence, all states allowed legal practice of capital punishment by the government (States). Currently, there 32 states still supporting the death penalty and 18 that oppose (States). This illustrates the struggle experienced by state governments all across America and their progression to a more peaceful resolution. There are varying advantages and potentially severe disadvantages to this type of†¦show more content†¦Of the three examples given above why capital punishment should not be allowed, one of them sticks out like a sore thumb, which is the one that will be used as the basis of my argument. It is not â€Å"killing is never the answer†, as this statement in itself is false. There are many instances where no outcome seems ideal but the end result is taking another person s life. An example of this would be an armed robber entering a father s/respective gun owner s house. Rather than allowing the robber take what he pleases or risk a weaponless confrontation, the man will attempt to catch the robber off-guard and take him out before he himself gets shot. The other example that does not make the cut is â€Å"the execution process is actually much more expensive than life in prison.† Though this is not always the case, it is more of a reflection of the efficiency of government programs rather than their moral code. Secondly, this statement appeals to those of greedy nature, insinuating that one can put a price on life and death matters. Lastly, we have â€Å"potential executions of innocent bystanders must be avoided†. This piece of injustice happens when the judge and jury try to overexert the justice system through haste, only for evidence to later reveal it was an unwarranted and irreversible decision. Even the placement of innocent people on the death row falls under the category of potential disaster. This complete disregard for due process

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Alberta Union of Provincial Employees for Majority- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theAlberta Union of Provincial Employees for Majority. Answer: The Alberta Trade Union is a Canadian trade union that serves the people who are located in Alberta province. The trade union has a population of more than eighty thousand members, according to research that was conducted in 2013. As at today, Alberta is the largest trade union. Majority of the members are associated with the Alberta Trade Union work in the public sector of Canada. The members of Alberta trade union are divided into four categories for easy administration. The four groups of members include direct employees who are directly employed by the Alberta government with their number being about twenty thousand. Members who are employed in the healthcare sector of Alberta. The category of health care providers includes individuals working in Alberta public and private healthcare facilities as well as those working with nonprofit making organizations. Members in the healthcare category are close to forty-five thousand in total. The other groups of members in the Alberta grouping include those involved work with academic institutions. Academic institution category covers those in post-secondary institutions and school boards. In this category, there are about nine thousand members,(Williams-Whitt, 2007).Finally, in the fourth category of members, it covers those who work in government boards and agencies. In this fourth category, there are about three th ousand members. Majority of the trade union members fall under two pieces of legislation which are Public Service Employees Relation Act and Alberta labor Relations Code. History of Alberta Trade Union Alberta trade union was as a result of the expansion of Civil Service Association (CSA) of Alberta. After the CSA become widespread in almost all parts of Alberta with its member's population growing to over three thousand, the management found the need to be a full-fledged union. In 1974 spring, a series of demonstrations of civil servants against oppression by the Canadian government triggered the emotions of the management of the CSA to become an independent body that could protect the rights of workers. The demonstrations started with three hundred members of Department of Health and Social Development as they wanted to present their grievances due to arbitrary changes that happened in statutory holiday entitlements(Reshef, 2003). In the health workers demonstration, the government did not respond to their pleas. After the demonstration of the health civil servants was over, the employees of Alberta Liquor Control Board went on strike that lasted for ten days in which they were requesting for a wage increase. Additionally, in 1974 government employees went on strike for two days also demanding a pay increase. In June 1976, Alberta Union of Provincial Employees and Civil Service Association of Alberta Act were established. It is during this time when the government officials came to a consensus that the Alberta Trade Union be formed. The president of CSA in the year 1976 became the first chairperson of the new Alberta Trade Union. In its formation, Alberta trade Union operated under Societies Act of Canada until November 1977 when it met the qualification to become a full-fledged trade Union. After it becomes an independent trade Union all aspect of CSA were transferred to it(Johnson, 2002). The newly formed trade union was empowered to fight for the rights of its members. After it was inaugurated, Alberta trade unions first agenda was to fight for fair pay from the government. The trade union demanded 47% pay raise for its members at all departments of the governments. During this time, the government managed to increase the ways of all civil servants by eight percent. It was an achievement for the trade union. In 2007, Alberta trade union under the leadership of Knight launched a campaign to pressure the government to change labor Laws. The argument of the trade union was that some of the laws were outdated, inconsistent and unfair and needed to be reviewed(Ponak, 1987 ). The trade unions through the power of the people demanded that the government should incorporate laws that favored its members. A similar strike took place involving Correctional Peace Officers in 2013. Internal Organization of Alberta Trade Union (AUPE) The governing body of AUPE is elected by the delegates voting annually in a union's convention. Every one hundred group of member select a representative who acts as a delegate whenever the union requires their participation. The governing body elected is responsible for establishing policies, budgeting, and creating operation procedures for a smooth running of the organization. Executive members serve a two-year term before another election is conducted. The governing body of AUPE has eight officials which include a president, an executive secretary-treasurer, and vice-presidents who are six in total. The president and the executive treasurer serve as full-time employees of the union. The vice presidents act on a part-time basis. The president doubles as the CEO and the chief treasurer as the financial officer. The vice presidents discharge their duties as directed by the president. Functionalities of AUPE AUPE serves its services to the members in thirteen permanent committees. The thirteen committees and duties include: Legislative Committee: Advises AUPE on matters related to constitution and policies. Membership Services Committee: Ensures quality services to the members of AUPE. Finance Committee: Advice the AUPE administration and finance department on proper record keeping. Committee on Political Action: Promotes education and social action by members on matters of political concern. Occupational Health and Safety Committee: Promotes occupational health and safety among members. Anti-Privatization Committee: Promotes education to members as well as the public on privatization and contracting matters. Women's Committee: Promotes members and public education on discrimination and equality issues as they are pertinent to women. Pension Committee: Involved in issues related to a pension of members. Members' Benefits Committee: Reviews financial assistance applications from AUPE members. Pay and Social Equity Committee Educates members on issues related to lobbies and pay equity. Young Activists Committee: Helps in empowering young people in the course of their working lives. Human Rights Committee: Educates, promotes awareness and encourages action among members and the public related to equality, discrimination, and related issues. Environmental Committee: Educates members about issues of environmental concern. References Johnson, S. (2002). Card check or mandatory representation vote? How the type of union recognition procedure affects union certification success. The Economic Journal, 112(479), 344-361. Ponak, A. ( 1987 ). Discharge Arbitration and Reinstatement in the Province of Alberta. Arbitration Journal, 42(2)., 27. Reshef, Y. a. (2003). Unions in the time of revolution: Government restructuring in Alberta and Ontario. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Williams-Whitt, K. (2007). Impediments to disability accommodation. Relations industrielles/Industrial Relations, 62(3), 405-432.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Lord of the Flies Review Essay Example

Lord of the Flies Review Paper Essay on Lord of the Flies I do not think that anyone but Ralph had a chance to at least try to establish a normal, nezhestoky order. At Piggy generally no chance of at least some power to get Jacks not the character it was originally shown as a person inflexible and authoritarian. Roger has not sensed which way the wind is blowing. Simon polusvyatoy, polublazhenny also not an option. By the way, Simon the brightest person on the island, rather than Piggy A couple of words on the delegation of powers just their Ralph and delegates he named Jack on the main hunters! And where does it lead? ! In addition, the ship sailed past the The Beast feared by all, except Simon, who understands the essence of the problem initially that beast inside each of what and says the night before landing dead parachutist, but Piggy, which lasts longer than others rationalism mind. authorities Ralph was not, because Jack was not able to recognize this power. Once there are two poles that are pulling the weight, neither of which the stability can not speak, the more so in that ekstremalnoy situation in which turned out to be boys. We will write a custom essay sample on Lord of the Flies Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Lord of the Flies Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Lord of the Flies Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In general, we are arguing is already something not that in general, I want you to recognize that this book is not just for teens)) that there a lot of problems and those affected that it is not just a book about boys on a desert the island, and a parable, which speaks of the soul, and eternal values, and the eternal, inescapable darkness in the soul of each, and of human nature, and war, and qi ilizatsii, and about education, and about the power, and the power, and of the mind the thousands of things! This is the purpose of my comments)) (I hope everyone who can read our monologues with you, with the book already familiar with, and we with you a spoiler arranged . gt; _ Lord of the Flies Review Essay Example Lord of the Flies Review Paper Essay on Lord of the Flies Ralph poluizbrannaya democratic government. power has become the power supply to the intelligentsia (Piggy). the power of peace, not evil, but it is absolutely not capable to control and creativity. the latter, by the way, is constantly called intelligentsia (Piggy). Ralph problem is that he is for his declaration that all will be well failed to rally the team. so they did not vote for Jack because they were afraid of the main. but when Jack left free with a few lads all remaining inert mass immediately migrated to the hunting camp. again making sure that the process is not really the main he had no state, since the state is the same its coercive apparatus. Remember? It was at that moment Simon and goes to a third party essentially Simon embodies the independent opinion and his death -. A regular event in the community they do not listen to him. Ralph, do not know him and hunters. But his news could change the whole future course of events on the island. We will write a custom essay sample on Lord of the Flies Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Lord of the Flies Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Lord of the Flies Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Jack! hard and not visionary ruler. but, in contrast, Ralph home he did not want to. him on the island was good. and his lack of foresight that own pride would not let him remain in the shadow of the main, to hunt and to be the main hunter. No, he had to take on all the power and responsibility for others as well. this is his first mistake pride. second mistake Roger behind. The fact that Jack coward. he is afraid of the beast. he was afraid to even do away with Ralph, when he came to return the Piggy Points. realizing his mistake under the gaze of Roger -one appoints hunt for Ralph. he has no way out. his fate is clear to me, and not interesting. me in spirit closest Piggy. its role would be on the island is much more noticeable and effectiveness before the split, if Ralph could have become thoroughly respected. but Ralph wimp. We do not execute any of his decision. a talking one. I could not agree with Jack. I did not give him (or as they say now is not delegated) to some of its ghostly power is essentially based on the horn and more than anything. if it were not separated, Ralph and Jack, its no Roger was not in sight, and Simon would have denounced news of the absence of the beast. But if you mentally continue the storyline on the island will be truly one Roger. this is the most probable course of events. What do you think? Lord of the Flies Review Essay Example Lord of the Flies Review Paper Essay on Lord of the Flies I do not think that anyone but Ralph had a chance to at least try to establish a normal, nezhestoky order. At Piggy generally no chance of at least some power to get Jacks not the character it was originally shown as a person inflexible and authoritarian. Roger has not sensed which way the wind is blowing. Simon polusvyatoy, polublazhenny also not an option. By the way, Simon the brightest person on the island, rather than Piggy A couple of words on the delegation of powers just their Ralph and delegates he named Jack on the main hunters! And where does it lead? ! In addition, the ship sailed past the The Beast feared by all, except Simon, who understands the essence of the problem initially that beast inside each of what and says the night before landing dead parachutist, but Piggy, which lasts longer than others rationalism mind. authorities Ralph was not, because Jack was not able to recognize this power. Once there are two poles that are pulling the weight, neither of which the stability can not speak, the more so in that ekstremalnoy situation in which turned out to be boys. We will write a custom essay sample on Lord of the Flies Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Lord of the Flies Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Lord of the Flies Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In general, we are arguing is already something not that in general, I want you to recognize that this book is not just for teens)) that there a lot of problems and those affected that it is not just a book about boys on a desert the island, and a parable, which speaks of the soul, and eternal values, and the eternal, inescapable darkness in the soul of each, and of human nature, and war, and qi ilizatsii, and about education, and about the power, and the power, and of the mind the thousands of things! This is the purpose of my comments)) (I hope everyone who can read our monologues with you, with the book already familiar with, and we with you a spoiler arranged . gt; _ lt;)

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Title of the Paper Essays (1626 words) - , Term Papers

Title of the Paper ( Court Case Briefing/Analysis ) Submitted By ( Zaevon Prince, PrinceZ0924 Number and Name of Course (Criminal Justice Victim Crime Justice- CRMJ 315 ) Class Meeting Time/Day (T: 7:35 P .M. - 10:00 P .M.) Professor (Dr. Donine Carrington ) Semester (Fall 2016) Today's Date (Thursday December 15 , 2016) Bowie State University Department of Criminal Justice Arts Science Bowie, Maryland The case of Fernandez v. California ( 134 S. Ct. 1126) involves the issue of The Fourth Amendment rules governing a police investigation of a crime, (Pet.Brief 2). On October 12, 2009, Abel Lopez was approached by a man, whom Lopez later identified as petitioner, after he had cashed his check. Petitioner told Lopez that he was in petitioner's "territory" and demanded Lopez's money (Pet. Brief 2). Officers Joseph Cirrito and Kelly Clark drove to a nearby alley. As the officers stood in the alley, two men walked by. One of them, who appeared frightened, told the officers, "the guy is in the apartment." After walking away quickly, the man returned and said, "He's in there. He's in the apartment." Officers Cirrito and Clark then saw a man run across the alley and enter the house identified by the man (U.S. Brief 2). Officer Cirrito "heard sounds of screaming and fighting from the apartment building into which the suspect had run." After an additional officer arrived, t he two main officers on the scene went to knock on the door from where the screaming came and Ms. Roxanne Rojas, who was holding a baby, opened the door. She appeared to be crying; her face was red; she had a "big bump" on her nose; and she had fresh blood from an injury on her shirt and fresh blood on her hand (U.S.Brief 3). Cirrito asked Rojas to step outside so that he could "conduct a sweep of the apartment". The turning point had been when petitioner came to the door. He was dressed in only boxer shorts, was sweaty and looked "real angry" (U.S. Brief 4). Cirrito asked petitioner to step outside because the police suspected he had battered Rojas and wanted to separate the two. Petitioner then yelled "you don't have any right to come in here. I know my rights." The officers then restrained petitioner because of the evidence of domestic violence and escorted him out of the apartment (U.S. Brief 4). A tattoo was spotted at the top of the petitioner's head that matched the descripti on of the man who robbed Lopez. After Cirrito returned to the apartment, he told Rojas that petitioner had been identified as suspect in the robbery and asked for consent to search. Rojas consented both orally and in writing. Officers then searched the apartment and found Drifters gang paraphernalia, a knife that might have been used in the robbery, and a sawed-off shotgun. Petitioner was charged with robbery, infliction of corporal injury on a spouse, cohabitant, or child's parent, possession of a firearm by a felon, possession of a short barreled shotgun, and felony possession of ammunition (U.S.Brief 5). He proceeded to trial on the robbery and infliction of corporal injury counts. He was convicted and sentenced to 14 years of imprisonment. This case reached the U.S. Supreme Court through the writ of certiorari to the California Court of Appeal, second appellate district. This case came on appeal, which was long after Fernandez's trial where he had been found guilty. Petitioner had petitioned to have his case considered by the California Court of Appeals. After he lost there, the Supreme Court granted certiorari to petitioner's case. This was granted because the case involves the fourth amendment, which is in the Constitution, and the Supreme Court want to hear it because of the issue. The U.S has jurisdiction to hear this case because in nearly all of the cases heard by the Supreme Court, the Court exercises the appellate jurisdiction granted it by Article III of the Constitution . This authority permits the Court to review - and affirm or overturn - decisions made by lower courts on Constitutional issues. The legal issue presented in this case is whether the fourth amendment right of the people "being secure

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Market Research Apple

Market Research Apple Introduction Findings and discussion Apple Incorporation has over the past few years appreciated the importance of market research. One of the factors that have led to this transformation is the intensity of competition within the PC and mobile device industry. In 2011, Apple Incorporation enjoyed a substantial market share within the iPads segment (Vascellaro, 2012).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Market Research Apple specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More During this period, iPads were new product in the market. Moreover, competition within this market segment was relatively low. However, this trend has changed significantly. More investors have ventured into the industry in an effort to exploit the growing market opportunity. Currently, Apple’s competitors are increasingly investing in research and development in an effort to gain a substantial market share. The firm faces intense competition from Google Nexus 7 and Microsoft Surface which has led to a decline in Apple’s market share with regard to tablets from 81% to 52%. The high rate at which firm in the PC and mobile device industry are investing in research and development has motivated Apple to continuously develop its products in order to ensure that they are aligned to customers’ tastes and preferences. According to Tassi (2012), market research plays a significant role in developing a company’s competitive strength. Before introducing the new iPad Mini, Apple conducted a market research. The market research was aimed at gathering market information on two main variables, which include the consumer and the competitor. Findings of the market research revealed that the firm’s competitors are increasingly courting their customers in order to determine their next big move. Consequently, Apple will be forced to start courting its customers in order to gain valuable market information (Vascellaro, 2012). The research revealed that there is a high market opportunity for the firm’s products. This is mainly so in emerging markets such as China (Vascellaro, 2012). Chinese customers are amongst the greatest enthusiasts of smart phones. According to Brian White, the smaller iPad will present a substantial growth opportunity for Apple compared to the current iPad. However, the firm will be required to ensure that the product features developed appeal the target customers. Vascellaro (2012) asserts that customers in both developed and developing economies are increasingly being appealed by new smart phone and tablet features.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More By analyzing its customer’s feedback, Apple Incorporation revealed that customers increasingly prefer smaller devices for convenience. This is one of the issues that the firm will take into consideration in th e process of designing the iPad Mini. The firm will ensure that the screen of the iPad is approximately 7 to 8 inches long (AppleInsider, 2012). In addition to new features, the likelihood of iPad Mini succeeding upon its introduction in emerging markets such as China is also enhanced by the fact that customers have developed a high level of trust towards Apple’s brand due to its unique design. A study conducted by the firm in seven countries on reasons that motivate customers to select their specific stores in their purchasing process revealed that most customers prefer Apple due to the high level of trust associated with the firm’s products. Fifty four (54%) of the customers interviewed in China and US cited ‘trust Apple brand’ as their core reason for purchasing Apple’s products. On the other hand, 67% of customers interviewed in China cited the products’ design and physical features are their main motivation towards Apple’s product s. This presents a unique market opportunity for Apple to exploit in the course of developing the iPad mini. Adherence to customers’ needs and wants will increase the likelihood of the product gaining sufficient market acceptance upon its introduction Vascellaro (2012). From the market research conducted, Apple Incorporation identified the education sector as one of the new market segment for its iPad Mini. According to Brian White, a renowned market research analyst, there is high probability of iPad Mini succeeding within the education sector. This arises from the fact that educational institutions are increasingly encouraging students to use technology in their learning process. In the course of designing the iPad Mini, Apple appreciates the need to exploit this opportunity. Consequently, the firm will integrate the element of portability. This will play a significant role in increasing the rate of iPad Mini utilization by students. Moreover, the convenience nature of the iPad Mini will stimulate iPad owners in developed economies to purchase the second and smaller model (Hughes, 2012). This will be made possible by the fact that the firm will integrate iCloud technology which will enable iPad users to swap between regular sized iPad and the iPad Mini.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Market Research Apple specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the course of introducing the iPad Mini, Apple’s management team intends to set the price of the product at $ 300 which is relatively high according to most customers (Oliver, 2012). However, the firm projects that the product will gain sufficient market acceptance. This will arise from the fact that the new product features will successfully lure customers to purchase the product. In summary, findings of the market research reveal that there is a high probability of the iPad Mini succeeding upon its introduction in the market. Firstly, the new product features will appeal a large number of potential customers and existing customers in the developed and emerging economies. Additionally, the unique design and usability of the iPad Mini will increase its utilization amongst new customer categories. By ensuring that the new iPad is effectively designed and developed, Apple Incorporation will be able to gain substantial market share within the PC and mobile device industry that has become very competitive. Reference List AppleInsider: Bloomberg, smaller iPad to launch by year’s end. (2012). Retrieved from Hughes, N. (2012). iPad Mini may give Apple larger market opportunity than current  iPad. Retrieved from Oliver, S. (2012). Apple telling suppliers to prep for mass production of smaller iPad. Retrieved from htt p:// Tassi, V. (2012). iPad Mini proves major for apple shares. Retrieved from Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Vascellaro, J. (2012). Turns out Apple conducts market research after all. Retrieved from

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company - Essay Example For comparison purposes, it will also tackle the marketing performance of Motel 6. Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company is popular due to its upscale, luxury brand of hotels and resorts with locations in major cities in the United States and other internationally famous destinations such as Montego Bay, Jamaica, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Bali, Hong Kong and Qatar. The hotel company owns 59 hotels in 20 countries 37 of which are hotels while 22 are resorts. The operation of the hotel company began in 1983 with the purchase of the Ritz-Carlton, Boston by William B. Johnson. However, the legacy of the hotel is attributed to the celebrated "king of hoteliers and hotelier to kings," Csar Ritz. The company states that "his philosophy of service and innovations redefined the luxury hotel experience in Europe through his management of The Ritz in Paris and The Carlton in London." The company's quest of providing quality accommodation and service named it one of the best hotels in the world as it consistently reaped awards from prestigious organizations like Forbes, Travel Weekly, Luxu ry Institute, and Consumer Reports. In 2006, it was awarded the Mobil Five-Star Award and AAA Five Diamond Award. On the other hand, Motel 6 is a large budget motel chain the United States and Canada. It was founded in Santa Barbara, California in 1962. The company got its name from the original room rate which was $6 a night. The brand's commitment of offering value at low prices enabled it to expand rapidly. Currently, the motel chain is in more than 840 locations with approximately 870, 000 rooms in the United States and Canada. The company also boasts of being the largest owned and operated hotel chain in America, thanks to Accor the largest hotel operator. MARKET SEGMENTATION Market segmentation is defined as the "division of market into homogenous group of consumers (Market Segmentation 1)." Market segmentation is a very essential tool in devising an effective marketing strategy for a firm. Market segmentation allows every company to develop marketing strategies for each segment to maximize product profitability. This tool enables the company to gain competitive market positioning as well as deliver maximum customer value. Ritz-Carlton's market segmentation can be seen on its different product offerings. The company irrefutably utilized geographic, psychographic, as well as behavioral factors in designing their product line. In terms of geographic it can be noticed that Ritz-Carlton offers accommodation in four key strategic locations-tourist spots, business districts, metropolitan, and countryside. The company offers luxurious accommodations in scenic tourists' destinations like Bali, Milan, and Barcelona as well as in the business districts of New York, Tokyo, and Dubai International Financial Center. Metropolitan like areas like Seoul and Kula Lumpur as well as the countryside of Florida and Montego Bay are conquered by the pleasure offered by Ritz Carlton. In terms of psychographic and behavioral factors, Ritz-Carlton segments its market by looking at the general and specific interests of its customers. The hotel company divides its target company according to the purpose of their use of facility. Three

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Uses and Gratification Theory Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

The Uses and Gratification Theory - Case Study Example In previous eras, the main sources of entertainment for people tended to be festivals dedicated either to harvesting or in praise of one god or another. In the western perspective, this came to be replaced by theatre and with the modern age came the development of television and the television networks which continue to offer a wide variety of visual entertainment. The advancement in technology has increased the demand for entertainment from individuals, and because of the wide variety of entertainment being offered, it is not a surprise that many of the entertainment companies involved are competing heavily to capture audiences. Because of this, the audience has gained great influence in controlling the type of media they would like to view, and this can be likened to the individual’s lifestyle as well as mindset (Napoli, forthcoming). From the very beginning of the development of media, the main question that has concerned the developers is whether the media has any influenc e on the audience. It has been proven that different types of media can influence the audience, so that in some cases when an individual sees an advert of a product on television, he or she will likely purchase the product. On the other hand, there are those of the view that media has no great influence on its audience since it is they who choose what to watch (Allison, 2006). This article makes a focus on the motives behind the choice of a particular media type as a basis of the Theory of Audience especially uses and Gratification theory. In the past few decades, the invention and development of the internet have revolutionized the lives of many people in the world and one would argue that it is one of the biggest developments in mass media. Every decade of the twentieth century presented its own theories concerning media communication, and while at the beginning, it was thought that media had an effect on the audience, later with the advancement in media communication, researchers found that audiences only used media for their own benefit (Rossi, 2002). Theory of Audience Uses and Gratifications Katz first proposed the theory of Uses and Gratification and the notion behind this theory is, it focuses on a question of why and how people use particular media. In contrast to the effect model view which is what media do with people, U & G is considered as a broader aspect among media researchers who are more concerned about finding what people do with a media (Chandler,1994). This theory is contradictory to the older approach of Audience of a passive group. This theory views the audience as an active group which means individuals have power and selects that media text that best suits her needs and her attempts to satisfy the needs. This theory represents the use of media in terms of gratification of social or psychological need of the individual. This theory shifted the approach of gratification from the functional paradigm to social sciences (Katz, Blumler and G urevitch, 1974).  Gratification can be derived from three distinct sources which are media content, exposure, and social content. The mass media compete with other sources of gratification, but gratifications can be obtained from a medium's content (e.g. watching a specific program), from familiarity with a genre within the medium (e.g. watching soap operas).

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Organic solar cells Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Organic solar cells - Essay Example Solar energy is a potential alternative to the production of energy with petroleum. The present solar-cell technology’s energy yield is often not the same and mass-production proves expensive. There is incomplete information of the solar energy production’s total effect on environment. A research team at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) carried out one of the first assessments of the life-cycle of organic solar cells in an attempt to develop a better understanding of the detriments and environmental benefits of solar power. The research was directed at the calculation of total use of energy and impact of material collection, production, fabrication, and use of organic solar cells on the environment by means of a detailed assessment of the technology. As a result of this research, it was found that the total amount of energy needed to make a product is more for the conventional inorganic devices in comparison to the organic solar cells. The assistant professor of chemical engineering, Brian Landi, who has served as a faculty advisor in this research project at RIT says, â€Å"This analysis provides a comprehensive assessment of how much energy it takes to manufacture an organic solar cell, which has a significant impact on both the cost and environmental impact of the technology† (Landi cited in Dube). Organic solar cells are considered to be low-cost as well as potentially benign power sources environmentally. The components of organic solar cells that play the role of absorbing light and taking the charge i.e. Ï€-Conjugated (semiconducting) polymers cannot be made in the laboratories in amenable ways to the manufacturing with low impact on the environment. Organic solar cells are lightweight and flexible. Their tendency to provide the cost effective solution processing generates a range of benefits for manufacturing over the technologies of the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Solar Water Heating System in Malaysian Homes

Solar Water Heating System in Malaysian Homes Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Project Title A study into solar water heating system in Malaysian Homes 1.2 Problem Statement Malaysia has favourable climatic conditions for the development of solar energy due to the abundant sunshine and is considered good for harnessing energy from the sun. This is because solar hot water can represent the large energy consumer in Malaysia households. But, because of the high initial cost of solar water heating system, and easily to install and relatively inexpensive to purchase electric water heaters, many Malaysia families are still suing electric water heaters to hot their water needs. This research is presented the comparing of solar water heating system from Malaysian’s market with the electric water heater by study the initial cost, price, durability, maintenance cost and environment impact for both systems. The most important is to compare the long term economical benefits for both systems. 1.3 Aims To study solar water heating system in Malaysian Homes 1.4 Objectives To determine the pros and cons for solar water heating system To investigate the popularity of solar water heating system in Malaysian Homes To compare the initial cost, price, durability, and environment impact for solar water heating system and electric water heater 1.5 Background Every day, we are heard with information about global warming, global pollution, wars over energy resources, species depletion†¦the lists go and on. Solar energy is renewable. Solar Water Heating System gets energy from the sun to heat water for homes, there by displacing the use of electricity. The use of Solar Water Heating System has a long history and it is impossible for us to exactly date the first uses of it. But we do know that ancient Greeks and Romans civilizations made good use of passive solar energy in their building designs. The first inventor for Solar Water Heater is Clarence M. Kemp at Year 1891. Until today, Solar Water Heating System is commonly used by residents and becomes one of the action to protect our global. 1.6 Scope of Study The main study will specific on Solar Water Heating System and its pros and cons. The scope of study will focus on the comparison of initial cost, price, durability and environmental impact between Solar Water Heating System and Electric Water Heater. 1.7 Research Methodology  : This research will be carried out by using literature review and questionnaire. Literature review is going to determine the pros and cons for solar water heating system, and also to compare the cost of operation, price, durability, maintenance cost and environment impact for solar water heating system and electric water heater. Questionnaire will be carried out to investigate the popularity of Solar Water Heater in Malaysian Homes at Wangsa Maju. 1.8 Contribution From this research, we gain deeper knowledge about solar water heating system and Malaysian’s family can have another choice on water heating system other than electric water heater. 1.9 Proposed Chapter 1.9.1 Chapter 1 -Introduction Introduction for solar water heating system. 1.9.2 Chapter 2 -Literature review Determine the pros and cons for solar water heating system from journals, books and through internet to support. Compare the cost of operation, price, durability, maintenance cost and environment impact for solar water heating system and electric water heater. 1.9.3 Chapter 3 -Research Methodology Questionnaire The method for this research is using questionnaire. The main purpose of this questionnaire is to obtain facts, data and basic information from every party that involves in this area of study. Questionnaire will be distributed to relevant parties for feedback and will be set in an easy to answer manner to encourage response from the respondents. At the end of the questionnaire section, result will be tabulated in charts, graph, pie forms. This will reflect the trend and indicates the distribution of figure to help in analyzing the problems. Literature Review The information of the second source will be come from literature review. For the topic of this Project and Dissertation, all the information will base on the relevant literature on Solar Water Heating System. For better understanding, some aspects such as the method of installation for Solar Water Heating System, the type of Solar Water Heating System will also included. TARC library and national library is the best way to get all the relevant information. Besides that, internet is also the way to obtain all the relevant information and data. The online resource in TARC library is the best search engineers for the journals articles which related to my Project and Dissertation. 1.9.4 Chapter 4 -Data and analysis After the questionnaire, all the analysis results will be record and explain in this chapter. All the result will base on 40 respondents and given a conclusion whether the majority of the respondents prefer water heating system or electric water heater in Malaysian Homes. 1.9.5 Chapter 5 -Conclusion In this chapter will list down the achievement of objectives for this dissertation and will be concluded and commented. Other than that, my personal opinion and comment will also be in this chapter. Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 History of Solar Water Heating System Throughout human’s history the sun has always been a subject of guess and mystery. In fact, most ancient cultures have considered the sun as a god or godlike due to its life-giving and energy-giving. Thus, the subject of solar is one of the oldest subject for human. Besides that, it has gone through many evolutions and has been the subject of many schools of thought- starting with religion, and ending up in the field of science. It is impossible to exactly date the first uses of solar energy, it maybe the Egyptian, Chinese or even the Malay first invented solar energy. But we do know that ancient Greeks and Romans civilizations, made good use of passive solar energy in their building designs. The use of Solar Water Heating System has a surprisingly long history. Year 1891, Clarence M. Kemp became the first man to patent a Solar Water Heater, called the â€Å"Climax†(Bob Ramlow and Benjamin Nusz, 2006, p.2). It was a black painted water tank mounted in an insulated box with glass on one side. The Climax was instantly popular in California. Thousands of Climaxes and similar systems were installed in a short time. Figure 2. 1 An old advertisement for the Climax Solar Water Heater Year 1909, William J. Bailey, a California Engineer began selling a new system Solar Water Heater named â€Å"Day and Night†(Ramlow and Nusz, 2006, p.3). It consisted of a solar collector and a separate storage tank mounted above the collector. Year 1913, a freak cold snap hit southern California and many â€Å"Day and Night† Solar Water Heater collectors froze and burst. To terminate future freezing problem, Bailey installed a coil of pipe within the storage tank to act as a heat exchanger. Then he used an alcohol and water mixture as the antifreeze solution for his heat exchange medium. This system called as a â€Å"closed-loop† Solar Water Heating System. Year 1979, U.S. President Jimmy Carter made the following prophetic statement at the inauguration of a solar-thermal water heater installed on the White House roof: â€Å"In the Year 2000, the solar heater behind me will still be here, supplying cheap, efficient energy. A generation from now, this solar heater can either be a curiosity, a museum piece, an example of a road not taken; or it can be just a small part of the greatest and most exciting adventure ever undertaken by the American people.† (Ondrey, 2009). 2.2 Introduction of Solar Water Heating System One of the biggest uses of electricity, gas and oil is the heating of water in the home. Solar Water Heating System is a very simple and efficient way to grab energy from sun and use it. Solar Water Heater collects and converts solar radiation energy to useful thermal energy into the form of hot water. It essentially consists of solar collectors for absorbing and converting the solar energy and an insulated storage vessel or tank to contain the heated water. The amount of hot water a solar water heater produces depends on:- type and size of the system amount of sun available at the site seasonal hot water demand pattern and installation of the system Solar Water heater used in the homes for supplying domestic hot water are typically installed with some form of back-up heating system such as electricity to ensure a hot water supply during the night time and cloudy conditions. Solar water heater can be considered as per-heater. The Solar Water Heater raises the temperature of water before it enters the water tank. 2.3 Types of Solar Water Heating System There are two types of Solar Water Heating Systems, either is active or passive. Both of the types are working on the same principles. The only difference is active systems have a pump moving the water through the Solar Water Heating System but passive systems rely on nature principles which is warm water rises to the top, and cold water sinks to the bottom. With a passive Solar Water Heating System, the water storage tank must therefore always be positioned above the solar water heater collector. 2.3.1 Active Solar Water Heating System Active Solar Water Heaters rely on electric pumps, and the controllers to circulate water, or other heat-transfer fluids through the collectors. These are the types of Active Solar Water Heating System:- Open loop active systems- circulate water directly from the tank through the collectors (Morrison, 2005, p.226). This design is efficient and also can lower operating costs if there is no problem with the water supply because of calcium deposits quickly build up in the collector. Closed loop active systems- the heat transfer fluid is pumped through the collectors, and a heat exchanger is used to transfer heat from the collector loop to the water in the tank (Morrison, 2005, p.227). The two most common closed loop active  systems are:- Antifreeze- The heat transfer fluid is usually a glycol-water mixture with the glycol concentration depending on the expected minimum temperature. The glycol is usually food-grade propylene glycol because it is non-toxic. Drainback systems- A type of indirect system, use pump to circulate water through the collectors. The water in the collector loop drains into a reservoir tank when the pumps stop. This makes drainback systems a good choice in colder climates. Drainback systems must be carefully installed to assure that the piping always slopes downward, so that the water will completely drain from the piping. This can be difficult to achieve in some circulation. Active systems are usually more expensive and are less efficient than passive system of antifreeze measures are required. Active systems are more difficult to retrofit in houses that do not have basements because space must be found in house for additional equipment (Morrison, 2005, p.226). 2.3.2 Passive Solar Water Heating System Passive Solar Water Heaters rely on gravity and the tendency for water to naturally circulate as it is heated. Due to they contain no electric components, passive systems are generally more reliable, easier to maintain, and possibly have a longer work life than active systems. The two most popular types of passive systems are:- Integral-collector storage systems- combine tank and collector into one unit. These systems are simple and effective (Morrison, 2005, p.225). This system is only good in households with daytime and evening hot water needs due to high heat loss at night. The main limitation with this system concept is it is only a pre-heater and must be connected in series with a conventional water heater if a 24 hours hot water supply is required. Thermosyphon systems- an economical and reliable choice, especially in new homes. These systems rely on the natural circulation of water between the collector and the tank or heat exchanger (Morrison, 2005, p. 223). The tank set up must above the collector due to achieve circulation during daytime and also to limit reverse circulation at nighttime. Water which is heated will rise naturally into the tank and cooler water flows down to the bottom of the collector, causing circulation throughout system. 2.4 Pros and Cons of Solar Water Heating System 2.4.1 Advantages of Solar Water Heating System Installing a Solar Water Heater is an investment that will save our money for the coming years and it is simple to construct. It is almost free once the equipment is installed because of the â€Å"fuel† for the Solar Water Heater is getting from sun. Energy from the sun is renewable. So, we are protected from electricity bill increment year by year in the future. It is four times cheaper than electricity (Pandey and Banerjee, 1998, p.17). Besides that, it is environment free because it produces no greenhouse gases. Solar Water Heater avoids nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and other air pollutants created when electric water heater is used to heat water. Solar Water Heater reduces pollutants and contribute to a healthier environment Other than that, Solar Water Heater is extremely safe and clean. We will feel free from the problem which will occur by electric water heater because Solar Water Heater mostly no maintenance, repair work or cleaning is required. By choosing a Solar Water Heater to heat water in home, it is an intelligent, socially aware and environmentally responsible energy source. 2.4.2 Disadvantages of Solar Water Heating System Although Solar Water Heating System consists of a lot of advantages, but it has its disadvantages also. First of all, Solar Water Heater will doesn’t work well on days when it is cloudy, over cast or raining. Besides that, it doesn’t work at nighttime. So, it is typically installed with electric water heater to ensure that hot water is supplied when the day is cloudy, overcast, raining or at night. Other than that, Cost of purchase Solar Water Heater is one the most critical issue. The initial cost of Solar Water Heater is high for Malaysian if compare to electric water heater. Many of the residents will not choose Solar Water heater due to its high initial cost. In addition, appearance of the house will affected due to the collector of Solar Water Heater is being installed on the roof. 2.5 Selecting a Solar Water Heater Before purchasing and installing a Solar Water Heating System, we are required to do the following:-  ·Ã‚  Consider into the economics of a Solar Water Heating System  ·Ã‚  Consider into the needs of hot water required  ·Ã‚  Determine the correct size for Solar Water Heating System  ·Ã‚  Determine the energy efficiency of Solar Water Heating System  ·Ã‚  Estimate and compare system costs 2.6 Method of Installation for Solar Water Heating System The installation of a Solar Water Heater requires skills that overlap many trades. Installer needs to be familiar with plumbing, roofing and electrical. Here will shows the various steps and processes to install a Solar Water Heater. This Solar Water Heating System consists of flat-plate collector, a differential controller, several sensors, a pump, and various valves. Step 1: Collector Mounting Before start the installation, installer must verify that the roof is suitable for the condition of mounting of the solar collector. Installer has to ensure that the roof tiles are in satisfactory condition and the trusses are adequate to support the collector. In general, there is no problem for installing a solar collector on a traditional roof. Besides that, it is recommended that the solar collector to face to south or within 30 º to 45  º east or west of due south. The installer needs to locate the trusses that will be use to attach the solar mounting brackets. After installer locates the trusses, he will then makes preparation for the installing of the collector mounting clips. The collector will then attach to the clips. Installer will carefully remove the roof tiles where the mounting clips will be installed. Four mounting clips will be used to support the collector and also to distribute the weight at the four mounting locations. Lastly, solar collector installs on the mounting clips. Step 2: Roof Pipe Flashing First of all, installer needs to identify and mark down the locations of the piping penetrations. There will be two penetration-collector feed line and collector return line. In gravity drain system, the feed line should penetrate the roof below the collector. Then, make a flat copper flashing with an oversize collar to penetrate the fluid line. Step 3: Piping from Tank to Collector Installer will install the pipe that will connect the water heater to the solar connector. Normally, soft copper will be used in the attic run between the tank area components and the collector lines exits at the roof because by using soft copper, installer does not have to solder any fittings in the attic. Pipe hangers will be used in locations to secure the long piping runs. Besides that, insulation will be installed on all attic piping to prevent heat loss. Step 4: Collector Feed line Piping Installer will measure, cut and fit the pipe fittings for proper length. He will solder the piping and fittings once all of them have been attached correctly. Step 5: Collector Return Line Plumbing Installer will solder fittings that will accommodate the system air vent. The system can prevent air locks that will restrict flow in the system. Air vent is always install at the high point of system and in a true north vertical position. Then, installer will solder more fitting such as pressure relief valve. Step 6: Storage Tank Installer starts the installation for storage tank. this involves plumbing the water heater for cold service, hot outlet, collector feed and return lines. Installer will place insulation on all exposed piping once the piping has been installed to reduce heat loss during system operation. Lastly, he will set the thermostat on the water heater because although the majority of the how water is produced by solar energy, but when cloudy, overcast or nighttime, the electric elements are always the spare for it. Step 7: Controller and Sensors Installer will install controller and sensor for the system. The differential controller is the brains of solar system. It works with two sensors. One of it located at the hottest part of the system which is collector outlet. The other one is located at the coldest part of the system which is the bottom of the tank. Step 8: Pump and Valves A Solar Water Heating System consists of a variety of components. System pump also called as circulator is a critical component for Solar Water Heating System. Its function is to circulate the fluid from the tank to the collector. Then the fluid gains heat in the solar collector and return to the storage tank. Besides that, check valve, drain valves and isolation valves also the components to install. Step 9: Pipe Insulation The last step for installation process is pipe insulation. It is to prevent heat loss from the piping, so pipe insulation is installed on both external and internal system piping. After that, installer should provide the owner of the Solar Water Heater a system operation and maintenance manual. 2.7 A Comparison between Solar Water Heater and Electric Water Heater Solartech (Summer) CX – Direct Heating* Panasonic DH – 3HE1M** Panasonic DH – 3HT1M** Type of Water Heater Solar Electric Electric Power Consumption 2.4 KW (back up heating element) 3.6 KW 3.6 KW Selling Price / unit RM 5,490.00 RM 639.00 RM 449.00 Selling Price (2 units) RM 1,278 RM 1,098 Initial Cost (selling price + installation cost) RM 5,690.00 RM 1428.00 RM 1248.00 Warranty (full warranty) 10 years 1 year 1 year Operation Cost / year RM 170.25 RM 1,109.67 RM 1,109.67 Operation Cost (10 years) RM 1702.50 RM 11,096.70 RM 11,096.70 Total Cost (initial cost + operation cost) for 10 years without maintenance cost RM 7,392.50 RM 12,374.70 RM 12,194.70 Environment Impact free CO2 CO2 Table 2. 1 Comparison between Solar Water Heater and Electric Water Heater * Description is given by Solartech Sales Service Sdn Bhd ** Description is given by Pansasonic Malaysia Sdn Bhd The table above shows the comparison between Solar Water Heater and Electric Water Heater. In the table, it is shown that the total cost for 10 years, environment impact and their operation cost. Firstly, for family consists of 6 persons considered as the study in the table. They installed 2 units of electric water heater in the toilets for their house or a unit of Solar Water Heater. Their need for hot water is 3 hours per day. Besides that, the study is estimating the total cost for 10 years. 2.7.1 Total Cost Method Intention in this study is to let the operation time (N) of a system be variable to find the operation life of the systems. The total cost will be adapted in the study because it allows the comparison between the systems for 10 years time. In general, the total cost of a system can be expressed as the following equation: Total Cost = Initial Cost + Operation Cost( 10years) Operation Cost (OC) For Electric Water Heater, operation cost is the electrical bill cost over the year to provide hot water needs of the family consists of 6 persons. But for Solar Water Heater, the operation cost is yearly electrical bill cost for the back up heating system. OCSWH = 12 months x NOCD x NOHs x price of electricity (RM/KWh) Where, OCSWH operation cost of Solar Water Heater; NOCD number of cloudy day per month; NOHS number of hours switched back up heating system. OCEWH = 365 days x NOH x price of electricity (RM/KWh) Where, OCEWH operation cost of Electric Water Heater; NOH number of hours electricity is used to provide hot water. 2.7.2 Summary of the values of the parameter Solartech (Summer) CX – Direct Heating Panasonic DH – 3HE1M (2 units) Panasonic DH – 3HT1M (2 units) Initial Cost = RM 5,690.00 OC = 12 months x NOCD x NOHs x price of  electricity (RM/KWh) = 12 months x 7 days/month x 3 hours x (2.4 KW x (RM 0.218 + RM 0.345)/2) = RM 170.25 Total Cost = Initial Cost + (OC x 10 years) = RM 5,690.00 + (RM 170.25 x 10) = RM 7,392.50 Initial Cost = RM 1,278.00 OC = 365 days x NOH x price of electricity (RM/KWh) = 365 days x 3 hours x (3.6 KW x (RM 0.218 + RM 0.345)/2) = RM 1,109.67 Total Cost = Initial Cost + (OC x 10 years) = RM 1,278.00 + (RM 1,109.67 x 10) = RM 12,374.70 Initial Cost = RM 1,098.00 OC = 365 days x NOH x price of electricity (RM/KWh) = 365 days x 3 hours x (3.6 KW x (RM 0.218 + RM 0.345)/2) = RM 1,109.67 Total Cost = Initial Cost + (OC x 10 years) = RM 1,098.00 + (RM 1,109.67 x 10) = RM 12,194.70 Table 2. 2 Summary of the values of the paramater From the table above, it is shown that Solar Water Heater is more economical and more attractive than the Electric Water Heater in long term. It is better for the family to use Solar Water Heater when compared to Electrical Water Heater. Besides that, it is more benefits to install Solar Water Heater because of long term economical benefits, environment friendly and a way to avoid from the problem of increasing electricity bill and increasing family size. References Ong, K. S. 1994. Solar Water Heater. Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia: University of Malaya. Gordon, J. 2005. Solar Enegy The State of The Art. London: James James (Science Publishers) Ltd. Ondrey, G. 2009. ‘Solar’s Second Coming’. Chemical Engineering. pg. 18. Pandey, J. L. and Banerjee M. K. 1998. ‘Energy Conservation with the Use of Solar Selective Coatings’. Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials. 45(1), pp. 16-24. Davidson, Jane, Wood and Byard. 1996. ‘Solar Hot Water for the Home’. Mechanical Engineering. pg. 60. European Journal of Scientific Research. 2009. ‘Economics of Domestic Solar Hot Water Heating Systems in Malaysia’. 26(1), pp. 20-28 Progress Report Task to be completed Second Year Semester 1 (Week)   July 05, 2009 July 11, 2009 July 12, 2009 July 18, 2009 July 19, 2009 July 25, 2009 July 26, 2009 Aug 01, 2009 Aug 02, 2009 Aug 08, 2009 Aug 09, 2009 Aug 15, 2009 Aug 16, 2009 Aug 22, 2009 Aug 23, 2009 Aug 29, 2009 Confirm Title Finalise Proposal 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Literature review Proposed Work Schedule Actual Work Schedule Task to be completed Second Year Semester 1 (Week) July 05, 2009 July 11, 2009 July 12, 2009 July 18, 2009 July 19, 2009 July 25, 2009 July 26, 2009 Aug 01, 2009 Aug 02, 2009 Aug 08, 2009 Aug 09, 2009 Aug 15, 2009 Aug 16, 2009 Aug 22, 2009 Aug 23, 2009 Aug 29, 2009 Confirm Title Finalise Proposal 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Literature review Every element had been done on time according to the proposed work progress except Chapter 1 Introduction. It should be done before August 01, 2009, but in stead it was done on August 22, 2009. The reason for the delay because of Introduction is revised proposal, so I decided to postpone it until the same with the date of completion for literature review. For Literature Review, I started it a week earlier than the proposed work schedule due to I need longer time to search information from TARC library and internet. Besides that, I also needed to get the quotation from supplier so that I started my literature review earlier. Luckily, everything in progress and I finished my literature review on time. My supervisor, Mr. Teh Bin Sin checked my works on August 20, 2009 and I printed out all the chapters for interim submission. Report on Changes Involved Date (Week) Issue of Changes Issue of Amendment July 05, 2009 – July 11,2009 Project Title ‘A Comparison between Solar Water Heating System and Electric Water Heater’ changed to ‘A Study into Solar Water Heating System in Malaysian Homes’ The project title changed because ‘A Study into Solar Water Heating System in Malaysian Homes’ is more specific and to fulfill requirement of supervisor. July 26, 2009 – August 01, 2009 Objectives ‘To compare the initial cost, price, durability, maintenance cost and environment impact for solar water heating system and electric water heater’ changed to ‘To compare the initial cost, price, durability, and environment impact for solar water heating system and electric water heater’ Due to the comment from supplier, which is maintenance cost is difficult to calculate or estimate for the following 10 years for water heater, so I decided to take out the comparison of maintenance cost in objective. Solar Water Heating System in Malaysian Homes Solar Water Heating System in Malaysian Homes Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Project Title A study into solar water heating system in Malaysian Homes 1.2 Problem Statement Malaysia has favourable climatic conditions for the development of solar energy due to the abundant sunshine and is considered good for harnessing energy from the sun. This is because solar hot water can represent the large energy consumer in Malaysia households. But, because of the high initial cost of solar water heating system, and easily to install and relatively inexpensive to purchase electric water heaters, many Malaysia families are still suing electric water heaters to hot their water needs. This research is presented the comparing of solar water heating system from Malaysian’s market with the electric water heater by study the initial cost, price, durability, maintenance cost and environment impact for both systems. The most important is to compare the long term economical benefits for both systems. 1.3 Aims To study solar water heating system in Malaysian Homes 1.4 Objectives To determine the pros and cons for solar water heating system To investigate the popularity of solar water heating system in Malaysian Homes To compare the initial cost, price, durability, and environment impact for solar water heating system and electric water heater 1.5 Background Every day, we are heard with information about global warming, global pollution, wars over energy resources, species depletion†¦the lists go and on. Solar energy is renewable. Solar Water Heating System gets energy from the sun to heat water for homes, there by displacing the use of electricity. The use of Solar Water Heating System has a long history and it is impossible for us to exactly date the first uses of it. But we do know that ancient Greeks and Romans civilizations made good use of passive solar energy in their building designs. The first inventor for Solar Water Heater is Clarence M. Kemp at Year 1891. Until today, Solar Water Heating System is commonly used by residents and becomes one of the action to protect our global. 1.6 Scope of Study The main study will specific on Solar Water Heating System and its pros and cons. The scope of study will focus on the comparison of initial cost, price, durability and environmental impact between Solar Water Heating System and Electric Water Heater. 1.7 Research Methodology  : This research will be carried out by using literature review and questionnaire. Literature review is going to determine the pros and cons for solar water heating system, and also to compare the cost of operation, price, durability, maintenance cost and environment impact for solar water heating system and electric water heater. Questionnaire will be carried out to investigate the popularity of Solar Water Heater in Malaysian Homes at Wangsa Maju. 1.8 Contribution From this research, we gain deeper knowledge about solar water heating system and Malaysian’s family can have another choice on water heating system other than electric water heater. 1.9 Proposed Chapter 1.9.1 Chapter 1 -Introduction Introduction for solar water heating system. 1.9.2 Chapter 2 -Literature review Determine the pros and cons for solar water heating system from journals, books and through internet to support. Compare the cost of operation, price, durability, maintenance cost and environment impact for solar water heating system and electric water heater. 1.9.3 Chapter 3 -Research Methodology Questionnaire The method for this research is using questionnaire. The main purpose of this questionnaire is to obtain facts, data and basic information from every party that involves in this area of study. Questionnaire will be distributed to relevant parties for feedback and will be set in an easy to answer manner to encourage response from the respondents. At the end of the questionnaire section, result will be tabulated in charts, graph, pie forms. This will reflect the trend and indicates the distribution of figure to help in analyzing the problems. Literature Review The information of the second source will be come from literature review. For the topic of this Project and Dissertation, all the information will base on the relevant literature on Solar Water Heating System. For better understanding, some aspects such as the method of installation for Solar Water Heating System, the type of Solar Water Heating System will also included. TARC library and national library is the best way to get all the relevant information. Besides that, internet is also the way to obtain all the relevant information and data. The online resource in TARC library is the best search engineers for the journals articles which related to my Project and Dissertation. 1.9.4 Chapter 4 -Data and analysis After the questionnaire, all the analysis results will be record and explain in this chapter. All the result will base on 40 respondents and given a conclusion whether the majority of the respondents prefer water heating system or electric water heater in Malaysian Homes. 1.9.5 Chapter 5 -Conclusion In this chapter will list down the achievement of objectives for this dissertation and will be concluded and commented. Other than that, my personal opinion and comment will also be in this chapter. Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 History of Solar Water Heating System Throughout human’s history the sun has always been a subject of guess and mystery. In fact, most ancient cultures have considered the sun as a god or godlike due to its life-giving and energy-giving. Thus, the subject of solar is one of the oldest subject for human. Besides that, it has gone through many evolutions and has been the subject of many schools of thought- starting with religion, and ending up in the field of science. It is impossible to exactly date the first uses of solar energy, it maybe the Egyptian, Chinese or even the Malay first invented solar energy. But we do know that ancient Greeks and Romans civilizations, made good use of passive solar energy in their building designs. The use of Solar Water Heating System has a surprisingly long history. Year 1891, Clarence M. Kemp became the first man to patent a Solar Water Heater, called the â€Å"Climax†(Bob Ramlow and Benjamin Nusz, 2006, p.2). It was a black painted water tank mounted in an insulated box with glass on one side. The Climax was instantly popular in California. Thousands of Climaxes and similar systems were installed in a short time. Figure 2. 1 An old advertisement for the Climax Solar Water Heater Year 1909, William J. Bailey, a California Engineer began selling a new system Solar Water Heater named â€Å"Day and Night†(Ramlow and Nusz, 2006, p.3). It consisted of a solar collector and a separate storage tank mounted above the collector. Year 1913, a freak cold snap hit southern California and many â€Å"Day and Night† Solar Water Heater collectors froze and burst. To terminate future freezing problem, Bailey installed a coil of pipe within the storage tank to act as a heat exchanger. Then he used an alcohol and water mixture as the antifreeze solution for his heat exchange medium. This system called as a â€Å"closed-loop† Solar Water Heating System. Year 1979, U.S. President Jimmy Carter made the following prophetic statement at the inauguration of a solar-thermal water heater installed on the White House roof: â€Å"In the Year 2000, the solar heater behind me will still be here, supplying cheap, efficient energy. A generation from now, this solar heater can either be a curiosity, a museum piece, an example of a road not taken; or it can be just a small part of the greatest and most exciting adventure ever undertaken by the American people.† (Ondrey, 2009). 2.2 Introduction of Solar Water Heating System One of the biggest uses of electricity, gas and oil is the heating of water in the home. Solar Water Heating System is a very simple and efficient way to grab energy from sun and use it. Solar Water Heater collects and converts solar radiation energy to useful thermal energy into the form of hot water. It essentially consists of solar collectors for absorbing and converting the solar energy and an insulated storage vessel or tank to contain the heated water. The amount of hot water a solar water heater produces depends on:- type and size of the system amount of sun available at the site seasonal hot water demand pattern and installation of the system Solar Water heater used in the homes for supplying domestic hot water are typically installed with some form of back-up heating system such as electricity to ensure a hot water supply during the night time and cloudy conditions. Solar water heater can be considered as per-heater. The Solar Water Heater raises the temperature of water before it enters the water tank. 2.3 Types of Solar Water Heating System There are two types of Solar Water Heating Systems, either is active or passive. Both of the types are working on the same principles. The only difference is active systems have a pump moving the water through the Solar Water Heating System but passive systems rely on nature principles which is warm water rises to the top, and cold water sinks to the bottom. With a passive Solar Water Heating System, the water storage tank must therefore always be positioned above the solar water heater collector. 2.3.1 Active Solar Water Heating System Active Solar Water Heaters rely on electric pumps, and the controllers to circulate water, or other heat-transfer fluids through the collectors. These are the types of Active Solar Water Heating System:- Open loop active systems- circulate water directly from the tank through the collectors (Morrison, 2005, p.226). This design is efficient and also can lower operating costs if there is no problem with the water supply because of calcium deposits quickly build up in the collector. Closed loop active systems- the heat transfer fluid is pumped through the collectors, and a heat exchanger is used to transfer heat from the collector loop to the water in the tank (Morrison, 2005, p.227). The two most common closed loop active  systems are:- Antifreeze- The heat transfer fluid is usually a glycol-water mixture with the glycol concentration depending on the expected minimum temperature. The glycol is usually food-grade propylene glycol because it is non-toxic. Drainback systems- A type of indirect system, use pump to circulate water through the collectors. The water in the collector loop drains into a reservoir tank when the pumps stop. This makes drainback systems a good choice in colder climates. Drainback systems must be carefully installed to assure that the piping always slopes downward, so that the water will completely drain from the piping. This can be difficult to achieve in some circulation. Active systems are usually more expensive and are less efficient than passive system of antifreeze measures are required. Active systems are more difficult to retrofit in houses that do not have basements because space must be found in house for additional equipment (Morrison, 2005, p.226). 2.3.2 Passive Solar Water Heating System Passive Solar Water Heaters rely on gravity and the tendency for water to naturally circulate as it is heated. Due to they contain no electric components, passive systems are generally more reliable, easier to maintain, and possibly have a longer work life than active systems. The two most popular types of passive systems are:- Integral-collector storage systems- combine tank and collector into one unit. These systems are simple and effective (Morrison, 2005, p.225). This system is only good in households with daytime and evening hot water needs due to high heat loss at night. The main limitation with this system concept is it is only a pre-heater and must be connected in series with a conventional water heater if a 24 hours hot water supply is required. Thermosyphon systems- an economical and reliable choice, especially in new homes. These systems rely on the natural circulation of water between the collector and the tank or heat exchanger (Morrison, 2005, p. 223). The tank set up must above the collector due to achieve circulation during daytime and also to limit reverse circulation at nighttime. Water which is heated will rise naturally into the tank and cooler water flows down to the bottom of the collector, causing circulation throughout system. 2.4 Pros and Cons of Solar Water Heating System 2.4.1 Advantages of Solar Water Heating System Installing a Solar Water Heater is an investment that will save our money for the coming years and it is simple to construct. It is almost free once the equipment is installed because of the â€Å"fuel† for the Solar Water Heater is getting from sun. Energy from the sun is renewable. So, we are protected from electricity bill increment year by year in the future. It is four times cheaper than electricity (Pandey and Banerjee, 1998, p.17). Besides that, it is environment free because it produces no greenhouse gases. Solar Water Heater avoids nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and other air pollutants created when electric water heater is used to heat water. Solar Water Heater reduces pollutants and contribute to a healthier environment Other than that, Solar Water Heater is extremely safe and clean. We will feel free from the problem which will occur by electric water heater because Solar Water Heater mostly no maintenance, repair work or cleaning is required. By choosing a Solar Water Heater to heat water in home, it is an intelligent, socially aware and environmentally responsible energy source. 2.4.2 Disadvantages of Solar Water Heating System Although Solar Water Heating System consists of a lot of advantages, but it has its disadvantages also. First of all, Solar Water Heater will doesn’t work well on days when it is cloudy, over cast or raining. Besides that, it doesn’t work at nighttime. So, it is typically installed with electric water heater to ensure that hot water is supplied when the day is cloudy, overcast, raining or at night. Other than that, Cost of purchase Solar Water Heater is one the most critical issue. The initial cost of Solar Water Heater is high for Malaysian if compare to electric water heater. Many of the residents will not choose Solar Water heater due to its high initial cost. In addition, appearance of the house will affected due to the collector of Solar Water Heater is being installed on the roof. 2.5 Selecting a Solar Water Heater Before purchasing and installing a Solar Water Heating System, we are required to do the following:-  ·Ã‚  Consider into the economics of a Solar Water Heating System  ·Ã‚  Consider into the needs of hot water required  ·Ã‚  Determine the correct size for Solar Water Heating System  ·Ã‚  Determine the energy efficiency of Solar Water Heating System  ·Ã‚  Estimate and compare system costs 2.6 Method of Installation for Solar Water Heating System The installation of a Solar Water Heater requires skills that overlap many trades. Installer needs to be familiar with plumbing, roofing and electrical. Here will shows the various steps and processes to install a Solar Water Heater. This Solar Water Heating System consists of flat-plate collector, a differential controller, several sensors, a pump, and various valves. Step 1: Collector Mounting Before start the installation, installer must verify that the roof is suitable for the condition of mounting of the solar collector. Installer has to ensure that the roof tiles are in satisfactory condition and the trusses are adequate to support the collector. In general, there is no problem for installing a solar collector on a traditional roof. Besides that, it is recommended that the solar collector to face to south or within 30 º to 45  º east or west of due south. The installer needs to locate the trusses that will be use to attach the solar mounting brackets. After installer locates the trusses, he will then makes preparation for the installing of the collector mounting clips. The collector will then attach to the clips. Installer will carefully remove the roof tiles where the mounting clips will be installed. Four mounting clips will be used to support the collector and also to distribute the weight at the four mounting locations. Lastly, solar collector installs on the mounting clips. Step 2: Roof Pipe Flashing First of all, installer needs to identify and mark down the locations of the piping penetrations. There will be two penetration-collector feed line and collector return line. In gravity drain system, the feed line should penetrate the roof below the collector. Then, make a flat copper flashing with an oversize collar to penetrate the fluid line. Step 3: Piping from Tank to Collector Installer will install the pipe that will connect the water heater to the solar connector. Normally, soft copper will be used in the attic run between the tank area components and the collector lines exits at the roof because by using soft copper, installer does not have to solder any fittings in the attic. Pipe hangers will be used in locations to secure the long piping runs. Besides that, insulation will be installed on all attic piping to prevent heat loss. Step 4: Collector Feed line Piping Installer will measure, cut and fit the pipe fittings for proper length. He will solder the piping and fittings once all of them have been attached correctly. Step 5: Collector Return Line Plumbing Installer will solder fittings that will accommodate the system air vent. The system can prevent air locks that will restrict flow in the system. Air vent is always install at the high point of system and in a true north vertical position. Then, installer will solder more fitting such as pressure relief valve. Step 6: Storage Tank Installer starts the installation for storage tank. this involves plumbing the water heater for cold service, hot outlet, collector feed and return lines. Installer will place insulation on all exposed piping once the piping has been installed to reduce heat loss during system operation. Lastly, he will set the thermostat on the water heater because although the majority of the how water is produced by solar energy, but when cloudy, overcast or nighttime, the electric elements are always the spare for it. Step 7: Controller and Sensors Installer will install controller and sensor for the system. The differential controller is the brains of solar system. It works with two sensors. One of it located at the hottest part of the system which is collector outlet. The other one is located at the coldest part of the system which is the bottom of the tank. Step 8: Pump and Valves A Solar Water Heating System consists of a variety of components. System pump also called as circulator is a critical component for Solar Water Heating System. Its function is to circulate the fluid from the tank to the collector. Then the fluid gains heat in the solar collector and return to the storage tank. Besides that, check valve, drain valves and isolation valves also the components to install. Step 9: Pipe Insulation The last step for installation process is pipe insulation. It is to prevent heat loss from the piping, so pipe insulation is installed on both external and internal system piping. After that, installer should provide the owner of the Solar Water Heater a system operation and maintenance manual. 2.7 A Comparison between Solar Water Heater and Electric Water Heater Solartech (Summer) CX – Direct Heating* Panasonic DH – 3HE1M** Panasonic DH – 3HT1M** Type of Water Heater Solar Electric Electric Power Consumption 2.4 KW (back up heating element) 3.6 KW 3.6 KW Selling Price / unit RM 5,490.00 RM 639.00 RM 449.00 Selling Price (2 units) RM 1,278 RM 1,098 Initial Cost (selling price + installation cost) RM 5,690.00 RM 1428.00 RM 1248.00 Warranty (full warranty) 10 years 1 year 1 year Operation Cost / year RM 170.25 RM 1,109.67 RM 1,109.67 Operation Cost (10 years) RM 1702.50 RM 11,096.70 RM 11,096.70 Total Cost (initial cost + operation cost) for 10 years without maintenance cost RM 7,392.50 RM 12,374.70 RM 12,194.70 Environment Impact free CO2 CO2 Table 2. 1 Comparison between Solar Water Heater and Electric Water Heater * Description is given by Solartech Sales Service Sdn Bhd ** Description is given by Pansasonic Malaysia Sdn Bhd The table above shows the comparison between Solar Water Heater and Electric Water Heater. In the table, it is shown that the total cost for 10 years, environment impact and their operation cost. Firstly, for family consists of 6 persons considered as the study in the table. They installed 2 units of electric water heater in the toilets for their house or a unit of Solar Water Heater. Their need for hot water is 3 hours per day. Besides that, the study is estimating the total cost for 10 years. 2.7.1 Total Cost Method Intention in this study is to let the operation time (N) of a system be variable to find the operation life of the systems. The total cost will be adapted in the study because it allows the comparison between the systems for 10 years time. In general, the total cost of a system can be expressed as the following equation: Total Cost = Initial Cost + Operation Cost( 10years) Operation Cost (OC) For Electric Water Heater, operation cost is the electrical bill cost over the year to provide hot water needs of the family consists of 6 persons. But for Solar Water Heater, the operation cost is yearly electrical bill cost for the back up heating system. OCSWH = 12 months x NOCD x NOHs x price of electricity (RM/KWh) Where, OCSWH operation cost of Solar Water Heater; NOCD number of cloudy day per month; NOHS number of hours switched back up heating system. OCEWH = 365 days x NOH x price of electricity (RM/KWh) Where, OCEWH operation cost of Electric Water Heater; NOH number of hours electricity is used to provide hot water. 2.7.2 Summary of the values of the parameter Solartech (Summer) CX – Direct Heating Panasonic DH – 3HE1M (2 units) Panasonic DH – 3HT1M (2 units) Initial Cost = RM 5,690.00 OC = 12 months x NOCD x NOHs x price of  electricity (RM/KWh) = 12 months x 7 days/month x 3 hours x (2.4 KW x (RM 0.218 + RM 0.345)/2) = RM 170.25 Total Cost = Initial Cost + (OC x 10 years) = RM 5,690.00 + (RM 170.25 x 10) = RM 7,392.50 Initial Cost = RM 1,278.00 OC = 365 days x NOH x price of electricity (RM/KWh) = 365 days x 3 hours x (3.6 KW x (RM 0.218 + RM 0.345)/2) = RM 1,109.67 Total Cost = Initial Cost + (OC x 10 years) = RM 1,278.00 + (RM 1,109.67 x 10) = RM 12,374.70 Initial Cost = RM 1,098.00 OC = 365 days x NOH x price of electricity (RM/KWh) = 365 days x 3 hours x (3.6 KW x (RM 0.218 + RM 0.345)/2) = RM 1,109.67 Total Cost = Initial Cost + (OC x 10 years) = RM 1,098.00 + (RM 1,109.67 x 10) = RM 12,194.70 Table 2. 2 Summary of the values of the paramater From the table above, it is shown that Solar Water Heater is more economical and more attractive than the Electric Water Heater in long term. It is better for the family to use Solar Water Heater when compared to Electrical Water Heater. Besides that, it is more benefits to install Solar Water Heater because of long term economical benefits, environment friendly and a way to avoid from the problem of increasing electricity bill and increasing family size. References Ong, K. S. 1994. Solar Water Heater. Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia: University of Malaya. Gordon, J. 2005. Solar Enegy The State of The Art. London: James James (Science Publishers) Ltd. Ondrey, G. 2009. ‘Solar’s Second Coming’. Chemical Engineering. pg. 18. Pandey, J. L. and Banerjee M. K. 1998. ‘Energy Conservation with the Use of Solar Selective Coatings’. Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials. 45(1), pp. 16-24. Davidson, Jane, Wood and Byard. 1996. ‘Solar Hot Water for the Home’. Mechanical Engineering. pg. 60. European Journal of Scientific Research. 2009. ‘Economics of Domestic Solar Hot Water Heating Systems in Malaysia’. 26(1), pp. 20-28 Progress Report Task to be completed Second Year Semester 1 (Week)   July 05, 2009 July 11, 2009 July 12, 2009 July 18, 2009 July 19, 2009 July 25, 2009 July 26, 2009 Aug 01, 2009 Aug 02, 2009 Aug 08, 2009 Aug 09, 2009 Aug 15, 2009 Aug 16, 2009 Aug 22, 2009 Aug 23, 2009 Aug 29, 2009 Confirm Title Finalise Proposal 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Literature review Proposed Work Schedule Actual Work Schedule Task to be completed Second Year Semester 1 (Week) July 05, 2009 July 11, 2009 July 12, 2009 July 18, 2009 July 19, 2009 July 25, 2009 July 26, 2009 Aug 01, 2009 Aug 02, 2009 Aug 08, 2009 Aug 09, 2009 Aug 15, 2009 Aug 16, 2009 Aug 22, 2009 Aug 23, 2009 Aug 29, 2009 Confirm Title Finalise Proposal 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Literature review Every element had been done on time according to the proposed work progress except Chapter 1 Introduction. It should be done before August 01, 2009, but in stead it was done on August 22, 2009. The reason for the delay because of Introduction is revised proposal, so I decided to postpone it until the same with the date of completion for literature review. For Literature Review, I started it a week earlier than the proposed work schedule due to I need longer time to search information from TARC library and internet. Besides that, I also needed to get the quotation from supplier so that I started my literature review earlier. Luckily, everything in progress and I finished my literature review on time. My supervisor, Mr. Teh Bin Sin checked my works on August 20, 2009 and I printed out all the chapters for interim submission. Report on Changes Involved Date (Week) Issue of Changes Issue of Amendment July 05, 2009 – July 11,2009 Project Title ‘A Comparison between Solar Water Heating System and Electric Water Heater’ changed to ‘A Study into Solar Water Heating System in Malaysian Homes’ The project title changed because ‘A Study into Solar Water Heating System in Malaysian Homes’ is more specific and to fulfill requirement of supervisor. July 26, 2009 – August 01, 2009 Objectives ‘To compare the initial cost, price, durability, maintenance cost and environment impact for solar water heating system and electric water heater’ changed to ‘To compare the initial cost, price, durability, and environment impact for solar water heating system and electric water heater’ Due to the comment from supplier, which is maintenance cost is difficult to calculate or estimate for the following 10 years for water heater, so I decided to take out the comparison of maintenance cost in objective.