Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Prometheus Bound Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Prometheus Bound - Essay Example As a punishment for this rebellion, the powerful Zeus commanded Hephaestus, the blacksmith of the gods, to bind Prometheus deep in a gorge, in a mountain. Accompanying Hephaestus in this god-given mandate were Kratos and Bia, representing Power and force respectively. After Prometheus is chained in the gorge, he laments about the excessive punishment that Zeus has commanded for him. The Oceanids, the daughters of the Oceanus, the sea God, arrives and start consoling Prometheus. Shortly, Oceanus arrives and offers to go to Zeus to plead with him so as to forgive Prometheus for the rebellion. But Prometheus warned Oceanus that such an action would make Zeus wrath to turn to him, Oceanus. Towards the end of the play, Zeus strikes Prometheus with terrible sufferings, organ devouring eagle that perpetually devours his regenerating liver. In this play, Prometheus is the personification of reason and justice/truth; Prometheus defies the unjust mistreatment of human beings and fights for the common good of human beings. In the process he is cruelly punished by the cruel and tyrannical Zeus. In the face of the power of Zeus, Prometheus is utterly powerless. This fact shows that in the face of tyrannical power, reason is helpless. But despite the cruel punishment, Prometheus did not give up, but continued fighting for the good of human beings. In this play, language is used skilfully to develop the theme of the play. To begin with, in asking Hephaestus to execute his god given mandate to bind Prometheus, Kratos describes Prometheus as a malefactor. As a faithful servant of Zeus, Kratos used this strong term to show the seriousness of Prometheus crime; according to Zeus, Prometheus crime was a very serious crime. Kratos also describes Prometheus as a traitor, this also emphasises the seriousness of Prometheus crime according to the god Zeus. In describing his sufferings after he was bound to the gorge,

Monday, October 28, 2019

A critique on Teaching mathematics Essay Example for Free

A critique on Teaching mathematics Essay Graduate students who take up mathematics are burdened not only with the passion to obtain a deeper understanding and mastery of the subject but also with the responsibility to impart the knowledge they gain in their studies. It is acknowledged that there are only a few individuals who decide to pursue a degree in mathematics much less to attain a master’s degree or even doctorate in the field. It is clear, then, that the professors of mathematics undergraduate student are handled and taught by mathematicians who have obtained a higher educational degree in mathematics. Friedberg (2005) endeavors to present ways through which mathematics graduate students can be made better teachers during their training and learning in graduate school. The importance of such a feat are also presented in the article. The audience of the article is the mathematics community specifically the administrative staff in mathematics departments everywhere. Friedberg (2005) aims to provide an alternative to the present teaching curricula in mathematics education. He hopes to supplement the status quo with innovative teaching strategies that will develop the mathematics graduate students’ skills in teaching and handling undergraduate mathematics students. The article effectively presented the subject matter at hand in a readable manner. Anyone reading could easily relate to the document. Friedberg (2005) was also able to pinpoint the audience he was addressing in the article. This was effective in bringing his point across and establishing his goals with the article. However, the content and organization of the article, itself, is not as strong as it could be. A better organization of arguments could have made it a stronger article. Article summary Friedberg (2005) noted that mathematics graduate students could develop better teaching skills by having activities called case studies. These case studies were aimed at enhancing two factors that contributed to better teaching skills: experience and good judgment. Case studies were described by Friedberg (2005) as group discussions on â€Å"depictions of aspects of teaching math to undergraduates, typically involving a difficulty or an important decision† (Friedberg, 2005, 844) Qualified individuals were assigned to act as moderators in the said discussions. The success of the activity was reported by the author, who was also the one to conceptualize and develop the process. Statements given by students attesting to the effectiveness of case studies were also included in the article. Friedberg (2005) also relates the success of the teaching strategy by noting that the materials and case discussions he and his team have come up with have already been published and are already being used in different institutions for varied purposes. Dissecting the article Friedberg (2005) was very effective in his use of simple and everyday language to present his points regarding mathematics graduate students and their teaching skills. The manner of presentation of the text was straightforward, uncomplicated, jargon-free. When a reader goes through all six pages of text, he or she will be able to easily understand everything. This is mostly because of the language used by Friedberg. The article’s target audience was also effectively identified even on the very first page of the article. â€Å"The topic of this article should thus be of genuine importance to the entire math community. † (Friedberg, 2005, 842) From this one line found on the first page, it is clear that the author has already pinpointed the audience for whom he intended the article. Knowing who the author is â€Å"talking to† is a very important factor that increases the value of the article. When the author has a clear idea who he intends the article for, he is able to narrow his discussion down to tailor-fit that particular audience. There are, therefore, a number of things that may be edited out of the article already. The value of the article thus increases for that target population because the arguments and points contained therein are meant for them specifically. In writing the article, the author was also able to focus himself on concepts that would be most pertinent and relevant to his identified audience. Thus the Friedberg (2005) article is suited for the mathematics community and as such it will have the greatest value for that particular subgroup. Despite the positive factors regarding the article, the organization of the author’s points was not well thought out. Friedberg (2005) tended to expound too much on certain topics that were not as necessary in driving home his point about case studies being effective teaching tools. For example, too much attention was given to teaching assistants and certain characteristics of that subgroup. Although the topic is related to the article’s main concern, its weight in the overall impact of the article should have been taken into consideration and the amount of time spent expounding that point should have been adjusted accordingly. Conclusion Over-all, the article was effective in presenting the use of case studies as a tool for developing the teaching skills of mathematics graduate students. However, the arguments would have been more powerful if the author had given more thought to the organization of the article’s main points. Reference Friedberg, S. (2005). Teaching mathematics graduate students how to teach. Notice of the AMS, 52(8), 842-847.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Lewis Carroll :: essays research papers

Of all of Lewis Carroll’s works, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland has a unique standing in the category of whimsical, nonsense literature. Much has been written about how this novel contrasts with the vast amount of strict, extremely moralistic children’s literature of the Victorian time Lewis Carroll lived in. Yet, as odd as this novel appears in relation to the other Victorian children’s stories, this short novel is odder because it was written by an extremely upright, ultra conservative man; a Victorian gentleman. Even though the novel seems to contrast with the time of Lewis Carroll, many experiences of Lewis Carroll and his unique character have a great influence in the creation of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Lewis Carroll, the pseudonym of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was born on January 27, 1832, in Daresbury England. He was the oldest boy in a family of eleven children of Reverend Charles Dodgson and his wife, Francis Jane Lutwidge. The childhood of Lewis Carroll was relatively pleasant, full of ideas and hobbies that contributed to his future creative works. Carroll’s life at Daresbury was rather secluded, and his playmates were mostly his brothers and sisters (Green 18). Interacting with mostly his sisters, he was the "master of their ceremonies, inventor of games, magician, marionette theater manager, and editor of family journals" (DLB v. 163 45). A great deal of Carroll’s childhood was spent taking care of his little sisters, and his imagination was constantly being exercised in order to entertain them (Green 18). A childhood trouble that Carroll possessed and persisted throughout his life was stammering severely. It is suggested that his stammer may have a risen from his parent’s attempts to correct his left-handedness. This attempt early in his life may have caused Carroll to think he was not normal, therefore hurting his self-confidence (Kelly 13-14). When Carroll spoke to adults, his speech became extremely difficult to understand. Apparently, he panicked; his shyness and stammering always seemed worse when he was in a world of adults (Leach 2). Partly as a result of his stammering, he felt very comfortable around children and he was able to easily form close relationships among them. While speaking with younger children, Carroll’s stammering had magically disappeared. He "simply became one of them-whether or not they accepted him-and most did" (Pudney 20). As a child, Carroll had a fondness of inventing games and language puzzles (14). Lewis Carroll "divided himself into two names, Lewis Carroll and Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson" (DLB v.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Administrator Interview Essay

For class I was to find and administrator in charge of hiring CTE teachers and find the answers to ten interview questions. I am fortunate enough to be teaching at a CTE school and was able to interview my principal. I interviewed Principal Tom Ryan, who’s the main campus principal The interview was held face to face in his office on September 28, 2012. This interview was very helpful in learning an administrator’s views and thoughts of important issues associated with CTE teachers and CTE programs. Mr. Ryan was very detailed and honest during the interview. I started the interview by asking Mr. Ryan what strengths and weakness he has seen in new CTE instructors. He thought for a moment before giving a very thought out response. See more: Ethnic groups and racism essay The strengths ; knowledge of subject content, familiarity with current pedagogy, compliant because not tenured, enthusiastic, recent employment in industry related field-familiar with real world operations, Weaknesses: uncertified –salary reduction, classroom management skills, not used to working in government bureaucracy, unrealistic expectations pertain to student enthusiasm and behavior, unfamiliar with operating procedures, typically experienced in field but not educated in effective teaching techniques and strategies. (T.  Ryan, personal communication, September 27, 2012). After reflecting upon his answer there was one point that stands out the most. I strongly agree with his thoughts that new teachers have a difficult time dealing with class management strategies. College prepares one academically for over three years but only offer a short time of practicum experience in the field. When teachers learn to effectively implement classroom management strategies and discipline they can engage students in learning activities for more than 90 percent of allocated time (Cangelosi, 1990, pp. 3-20). Mr. Ryan shared his thoughts of what skills he believed would best help newly hired teachers. Beyond subject knowledge a new teacher should be prepared to teach students life skill. Students must learn how to successfully interact with people in the work world 21st century skills. CTE teachers to become an asset for their schools must have enthusiasm, be a team player, willingness to go the extra mile, establish rapport with students and staff, and collaboration with colleagues. All of these qualities are needed in any job and are taught to our students under 1st Century Learning Skills. Next, I posed the question to Mr. Ryan if you had two applicants for a teaching position in your CTE department, what factors would you use to select any one of them and why? He responded that he would evaluate their ability to communicate, knowledge of subject matter, recent industry experience, ability to demonstrate skills, and ones perceived ability given in a 45 minute interview to fit into the educational environment –why? He simply stated, â€Å"Because these are the skills necessary to successfully teach† (T.  Ryan, personal communication, September 27, 2012). Before I could ask the next question Mr. Ryan spoke of how he perceived the purpose of CTE. We agreed that the purpose of CTE was to prepare students with entry level skills, and to expose them to current industry practices as well as to give them the soft skills 21st Century skills they will need to be successful in the work world or continuing education. One enrolls in a technical education center in order to gain employment upon graduation or move on to post-secondary education. Following the above conversation we switched gears and talked about reasons an educator would be relieved of their position. We discussed that there could be many factors that cause one to lose their job such as poor performance, layoffs due to economy, or program closures. A major factor in letting go of an employee relies on if the educator is tenured or not. Mr. Ryan stated there are three main reasons that would cause the dismissal of a certified teacher. The two he focused on was immoral or unethical behavior, and incompetence. I feel that these are fireable offensive for any job. A teacher must lead by example one should not ask others to do what they cannot Once a new instructor is hired they are assigned a mentor. A mentor’s job is to monitor the new instructors’ progress and provide feedback. This gives the instructor a forum to express the difficulties they encounter in adapting to the new work environment so that it becomes utopia. I shared that when I was first hired I found a mentor to be very helpful. When you first start teaching one has many questions that often the administrator does not have time for and/or the teacher feels uncomfortable asking. There have been many studies done that all show a well-developed mentoring program for new teachers can contribute to the quality of their practice. Moreover, many researchers state that these programs show the education system’s commitment to producing well prepared and successful teachers. Mr. Ryan spoke of the different ways that CTE programs could improve. Financing program was at the top of his list. This would allow programs obtain industry level equipment, provide proper staffing, and allow students the opportunity to participate in more internship opportunities by offering transportation. Transportation currently is the one factor preventing many students from obtaining internship positions. Financing would also provide academic support to help students gain the necessary job skills, life skills. Funding would allow for education of reading comprehension skills that will allow them to navigate new information and equip them with reasoning skills so they are able to apply critical thinking to new situations in an ever changing world. This just reiterates the fact of how important the Carl D.  Perkins Act was for CTE education. Lastly, we talked about reforms and what he would suggest for improving CTE programs and how teachers could prepare for such reforms. His biggest goal even though he thought was unlikely to occur was a shift the bureaucracy to allocating funds to actual instructional needs. Next, he felt it was important for our school to continue to strive for an instructional environment that would maximizes resources to allow all students to not be left behind.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Why To Travel Alone

Yara exchanged the comforts of home 16 years ago for a life on the road. She has been traveling the world mixing a †¦ Shutterstock 1. You will meet amazing people. While traveling with friends or a significant other can be a lot of fun, traveling solo for a certain amount of time can prove to be one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever do because of the great people you’ll meet. When we travel with friends or a partner, we tend to stick to that little group of familiar faces and even though you’ll meet new people, the dynamics and interactions won’t be as deep and fulfilling.While you’re on your own on the road, you’re much more eager to meet travel buddies, team up with other travelers and generally reach out more in order to socialize. 2. The overwhelming sense of absolute freedom. When you travel on your own and you start meeting people and making awesome friends, you’ll probably team up with travel buddies and end up expan ding your travel plans. You’ll probably change your plans once you hear about that amazing waterfall, that incredible desert beach, the opportunity to bungee jump from a high bridge, or  taste a special delicacy you’ll only find off the beaten track.When you’re traveling, you’re open to change and you’ll welcome it with open arms. The great thing is that you don’t have to fit into a group’s agenda, give explanations or disappoint anyone, you can follow your rhythm, desires and move like the wind. 3. Traveling alone challenges your fears and insecurities This is a big one, especially if it’s your first solo experience. I remember the first time I traveled when I was 18 and moved to London on my own for 3 months to be an au pair and live with a local family.I was terrified of the unknown, but if I would have surrendered to that fear, I would have never get to know the strong, courageous and adventurous side of me. I was scared, but I did it anyways and by the 3rd day, I was really proud of myself. From then on I never let fear stop me. 16 years and many adventures later, I still have a little voice inside my head, asking: â€Å"What if something goes wrong? † â€Å"What if you get into trouble?† This is normal and perfectly human; fear exists for our own protection and boosts our awareness. But we shouldn’t let it control our lives.Safety can be a great comfort, but common sense is the key. Read and research a lot before you travel, check out hostel reviews, and research feedback from other travelers in forums and blogs. Respect the local culture and I guarantee you’ll be fine. 4. Fall in love. Everyone wants to find their better half and much is said about failed relationships while on the road. It doesn’t have to be like that! We find love when we meet someone who shares our interests, dreams, and goals. While traveling solo you’ll meet so many people from all w alks of life that falling in  love might just happen.Whether it will be a great summer love or end up at the altar, no one knows, but there are many people out there with amazing stories. If you already have a partner, this time away can boost your passion and once you’re back, you’ll appreciate each other’s company more. 5. You can take the time to nurture yourself. If you have a stressful life back home, either studying hard or working too much, traveling on your own can be the time to take some time off and nurture yourself.Whether you’re a backpacker traveling cheap or if  the sky is the limit as far as your budget goes, you can use this time to pamper yourself. Indulge in rich and delicious local meals which will boost your energy and health, take long walks on the beach by sunrise, or get a massage. Do some yoga and relax a lot. Enjoy all the wonderful things you deserve, and understand that happiness is a birth right, not a privilege. 6. Youâ⠂¬â„¢ll have a chance to recreate yourself and be who you want to be. While traveling solo, you can leave your grumpy, tired old self behind and start to be a new you.Explore parts of your personality you are not very  comfortable or familiar with. When on the road, you might be challenged by unexpected factors and be positively surprised how well you respond to them. Empower yourself by unleashing the wonderful, irresistible and intelligent person you are, but whom you’ve neglected in your everyday routine. 7. You can finally take time to leave everything else behind. Just disconnect from the world for a while. Turn off your mobile, â€Å"forget† to check you emails for a few days†¦ don’t think about the bills, the responsibilities, the duties and problems. Leave them behind.Some of the most intense creative times or the ones where we find the solutions for all our problems are actually the moments when we disconnect and stop worrying. Have you ever trie d to remember a name or a date and you just can’t spit it out, but after you quit trying it pops out? It’s the same for the rest of life. Sometimes our brains need to get rid of old thoughts in order to be able to create space for new ones, better ones. So just disconnect yourself from everything and you might be amazed by how fresh you’ll feel once you get back home.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Profile of Huehueteotl-Xiuhtecuhtli, Aztec God of Fire

Profile of Huehueteotl-Xiuhtecuhtli, Aztec God of Fire Among the Aztec/Mexica the fire god was associated with another ancient deity, the old god. For this reason, these figures are often considered different aspects of the same deity: Huehuetà ©otl-Xiuhtecuhtli (Pronounced: Way-ue-TEE-ottle, and Shee-u-teh-COO-tleh). As with many polytheist cultures, ancient Mesoamerican people worshiped many gods who represented the different forces and manifestations of nature. Among these elements, fire was one of the first to be deified. The names under which we know these gods are Nahuatl terms, which is the language spoken by the Aztec/Mexica, so we don’t know  how earlier cultures knew these deities. Huehuetà ©otl is the â€Å"Old God†, from huehue, old, and teotl, god, whereas Xiuhtecuhtli means â€Å"The lord of Turquoise†, from the suffix xiuh, turquoise, or precious, and tecuhtli, lord, and he was considered the progenitor of all gods, as well as the patron of fire and the year. Origins Huehueteotl-Xiuhtecuhtli was an extremely important god beginning in very early times in Central Mexico. In the Formative (Preclassic) site of Cuicuilco, south of Mexico City, statues portraying an old man sitting and holding a brazier on his head or his back, have been interpreted as images of the old god and the fire god. At Teotihuacan, the most important metropolis of the Classic period, Huehuetà ©otl-Xiuhtecuhtli is one of the most often represented deities. Again, his images portray an old man, with wrinkles on his face and no teeth, sitting with his legs crossed, holding a brazier on his head. The brazier is often decorated with rhomboid figures and cross-like signs symbolizing the four world directions with the god sitting in the middle. The period for which we have more information about this god is the Postclassic period, thanks to the importance that this god had among the Aztec/Mexica. Attributes According to the Aztec religion, Huehuetà ©otl-Xiuhtecuhtli was associated with ideas of purification, transformation, and regeneration of the world through fire. As the  god of the year, he was associated with the cycle of the seasons and nature which regenerate the earth. He was also considered one of the founding deities of the world  since he was responsible for the creation of the sun. According to colonial sources, the fire god had his temple in the sacred precinct of Tenochtitlan, in a place called Tzonmolco. Huehuetà ©otl-Xiuhtecuhtli is also related to the ceremony of the New Fire, one of the most important Aztec ceremonies, which took place at the end of each cycle of 52 years  and represented the regeneration of the cosmos through the lighting of a new fire. Festivities Two major festivities were dedicated to Huehuetà ©otl-Xiuhtecuhtli: the Xocotl Huetzi ceremony, in August, associated to the underworld, the night, and the dead, and a second one which took place in the month of Izcalli, at the beginning of February, related to light, warmness and the dry season. Xocotl Huetzi: This ceremony was related to the collection of the fruits of the earth and the ritual death of plants. It involved cutting a tree and placing an image of the god on the top. Copal and food were then offered to the tree. Young men were encouraged to climb the tree to get the image and gain a reward. Four captives were sacrificed by being thrown into a fire and by having their hearts extracted.Izcalli: This second festival was dedicated to regrowth and regeneration, and the beginning of the new year. All lights were shut down at night, except for one light placed in front of the gods image, including a turquoise mask. People brought game, such as birds, lizards, and snakes, to cook and eat. Every four years, the ceremony included the sacrifice of four slaves or captives, who were dressed like the god and whose bodies were painted in white, yellow, red and green, the colors associated with the worlds directions. Images Since early times, Huehuetà ©otl-Hiuhtecuhtli was portrayed, mainly in statues, as an old man, with his legs crossed, his arms resting on his legs, and holding a lit brazier on his head or back. His face shows the signs of age, quite wrinkled and without teeth. This type of sculpture is the most widespread and recognizable image of the god and has been found in many offerings in sites such as Cuicuilco, ​Capilco, Teotihuacan, Cerro de las Mesas, and the Templo Mayor of Mexico City. However, as Xiuhtecuhtli, the god is often represented in pre-Hispanic as well as Colonial codices without these characteristics. In these cases, his body is yellow, and his face has black stripes, a red circle surrounds his mouth, and he has blue earplugs hanging from his ears. He often has arrows emerging from his headdress and holds sticks used to light fire. Sources: Limà ³n Silvia, 2001, El Dios del fuego y la regeneracià ³n del mundo, en Estudios de Cultura Nhuatl, N. 32, UNAM, Mexico, pp. 51-68.Matos Moctezuma, Eduardo, 2002, Huehuetà ©otl-Xiuhtecuhtli en el Centro de Mà ©xico, Arqueologà ­a Mexicana Vol. 10, N. 56, pp 58-63.Sahagà ºn, Bernardino de, Historia General de las Cosas de Nueva Espaà ±a, Alfredo Là ³pez Austin y Josefina Garcà ­a Quintana (eds.), Consejo Nacional para las Culturas y las Artes, Mexico 2000.

Monday, October 21, 2019

LGBT Labor and Employment Issues

LGBT Labor and Employment Issues Many nations have established different criteria of determining the manner in which the scores of varied companies treat their workforce based on sexual orientation and gender characteristics. Among the many scales deployed is the ‘corporate equality index’. This scale â€Å"rates organizations on a scale running from 0 to 100 percent based on their treatment of gay, lesbian and transgender employees†1.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on LGBT Labor and Employment Issues specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Scores realized upon the administration of gender and sexual orientation scales in some organizations reveal that gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered labor issues are pronounced in terms of workforce segregation and stereotyping in the realm of labor and employment. From this perspective, the research paper focuses on comparing experiences of lesbian and gay workers in public versus pri vate sector, and then analyzes the policies of different organizations regarding gay and lesbian workers, both in public and private sectors. In public and private sector, LGBTs have encountered varied experiences. These experiences range from discrimination, inequitable compensation, unequal employment benefits and sexual harassment among others. Much of these experiences arise from ignorance and misunderstanding. While different organizations have made incredible strides in the 21st century through adoption of varying policies to ensure that LGBTs are sealed from discrimination, such individuals remain widely unprotected in the private sector. For instance, managers or administrators may possess little information regarding the LGBTs preferences, historical experiences, facts and perspectives of taking particular sexual orientation. The repercussion is unfair and ineffective rules, policies and actions getting instituted by an organization without taking the consideration of conce rns of the LGBTs. Rights of LGBTs remain contentious among certain faith groups such s Catholics and evangelistic groups. Such groups widely believe that ensuring the LGBTs have equal access to equal employment opportunities would give rise to slewing gay marriages within their neighborhoods, which result into an inevitable apocalypse. Discrimination based on sexual orientation is a big challenge to modern organizations because the number of the transgendered, gays, lesbians and bisexual is on the rise. In this context, William institute estimates that, in the United States, â€Å"the number of LGBT employees is 7 million in private sector, 1 million state and local employees, and 200,000 employees of the federal government†2. In fact, 30% of all local and state lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered employees dwell in New York and California. On the other hand, â€Å"lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people make up only one half of one percent of state and local e mployees in Montana, North Dakota and Wyoming combined†3. The statistics gives a concrete inference that different states may need to embrace diverse policies in an attempt to address LGBTs discriminations in the labor and employment, both in public and private sector.Advertising Looking for critical writing on gender studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In Tilcsik’s research, two differing resumes were sent to about 1700 potential candidates of a new job opening. Despite the two â€Å"resumes being largely similar in terms of qualifications of the applicants, one resume for every opening mentioned that the applicant had been part of a gay organization in college†4. The results of this study indicated that the applicants who did not have gay signal had higher chances of being invited for an interview (11.5 percent). On the other hand, applicants with gay signals had a chance of 7.2 percent of being invited for the same interview. Therefore, the study makes it clear that both public and private organizations need to enact suitable policies to help reduce the negative impacts. The major policies that are deemed crucial for curtailing incidences of discrimination in public and private sector organization are those seeking to reduce discrimination to near zero percent. Labor and employment human rights activists treat non-inclusion of aspects of gender and sexual affiliation as part of workforce diversity as an attempt to foster discrimination in the labor and employment sector in both public and private sector organizations5. Government advocates for equal rights for all people. Since, public organizations are highly inspired by the culture of the government in developing their policies; instances of discrimination experiences are lesser in public sector than in the private sector. Managers in private sector are widely guided by the human resource models that essentially re quire the managers to engineer and implement policies placed on them by executive directors and the employee rights. This makes it difficult for managers to come up with policies that ensure fairness and effectiveness for all; and yet ensure that the organization attains its noble role: remain profitable. The situation is even bad in case organizational culture fails to favor the concerns of the LGBTs. In conclusion, it is necessary to carry out an intensive research on the differences between experience of lesbian and gay workers in public versus private sector coupled with scrutinizing policies put in place by organization in both sectors to ensure that such experiences become beneficial to an organization. In this manner, it becomes probable to postulate possible interventions to deal with the rising problems in an endeavor to make private organizations succeed in future as organizations in private sector, especially in this era of globalization. Bibliography Hunter, Chris. 2012. Commissioners of Anti-discrimination Amendment. The Salina  Journal 1, no. 2: 415.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on LGBT Labor and Employment Issues specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Tilcsik, Anthony. 2011. Pride and Prejudice: Employment Discrimination against Open Gay Men in the United States. American Journal of Sociology 117 no. 3: 586. Williams Institute. 2011. Estimates of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered  Employees. New York: Williams institute. Williams, Steve. 2011.Trans Workplace Non-discrimination Bill. New Jersey, NJ: Pearson Publishers. Footnotes 1 Chris Hunter, â€Å"Commissioners of anti-discrimination amendment†. The Salina journal 1.2(2012): 415. 2 Williams Institute, Estimates of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered employees (New York: Williams institute, 2011), 45. 3 (Steve Williams 2011, 44) 4 Anthony Tilcsik. â€Å"Pride and prejudice: employment discrimination against open gay men in United States†. American journal of sociology 117.3(2011): 586.Advertising Looking for critical writing on gender studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More 5 Steve Williams, Trans workplace non-discrimination bill (New Jersey, NJ: Pearson Publishers, 2011), 34.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Write and Format an MBA Essay

How to Write and Format an MBA Essay What Is an MBA Essay? The term MBA essay is often used interchangeably with MBA application essay or MBA admissions essay. This type of essay is submitted as part of the MBA admissions process and is usually used to provide support for other application components like transcripts, recommendation letters, standardized test scores, and resumes. Why You Need to Write an Essay Admissions committees sort through a lot of applications in each round of the admissions process. Unfortunately, there are only so many places that can be filled in a single MBA class so a vast majority of the candidates who apply will be turned away. This is especially true of top MBA programs that receive thousands of applicants each school year. Many of the applicants who apply to business school are qualified MBA candidates- they have the grades, the test scores, and the work experience needed to contribute to and succeed in an MBA program. Admissions committees need something beyond a GPA or test scores to differentiate applicants and determine who is a good fit for the program and who is not. This is where the MBA essay comes into play. Your MBA essay tells the admissions committee who you are and helps to set you apart from other applicants. Why You Dont Need to Write an Essay Not every business school requires an MBA essay as part of the admissions process. For some schools, the essay is optional or not required at all. If the business school does not request an essay, then you don’t need to write one. If the business school says the essay is optional, then you should DEFINITELY write one. Dont let the opportunity to differentiate yourself from other applicants pass you by. MBA Essay Length Some business schools put strict requirements on the length of MBA application essays. For example, they may ask applicants to write a one-page essay, a two-page essay, or a 1,000-word essay. If there is a desired word count for your essay, it is very important to adhere to it. If you are supposed to write a one-page essay, dont turn in a two-page essay or an essay that is only a half-page long. Follow instructions. If there is not a stated word count or page count requirement, you have a little more flexibility when it comes to length, but you should still limit the length of your essay. Short essays are typically better than a long essay. Aim for a short, five-paragraph essay. If you cant say everything you want to say in a short essay, you should at least stay below three pages. Remember, admissions committees read thousands of essays - they dont have time to read memoirs. A short essay demonstrates that you can express yourself clearly and concisely. Basic Formatting Tips There are some basic formatting tips that you should follow for every MBA essay. For example, it is important to set the margins so that you have some white space around the text. A one-inch margin on each side and on the top and bottom is typically good practice. Using a font that is easy to read is also important. Obviously, a silly font like Comic Sans should be avoided. Fonts like Times New Roman or Georgia are typically easy to read, but some of the letters so have funny tails and embellishments that are unnecessary. A no-frills font like Arial or Calibri is usually your best option. Formatting a Five Paragraph Essay Many essays - whether they are application essays or not - utilize a five-paragraph format. This means that the content of the essay is split into five separate paragraphs: One introductory paragraphThree body paragraphsOne concluding paragraph   Each paragraph should be about three to seven sentences long. If possible try to create a uniform size for the paragraphs. For example, you dont want to start with a three-sentence introductory paragraph and then follow up with an eight-sentence paragraph, a two sentence paragraph and then a four-sentence paragraph. It is also important to use strong transition words that help the reader move from sentence to sentence and paragraph to paragraph. Cohesion is key if you want to write a strong, clear essay. The introductory paragraph should start with a hook - something that captures the readers interest. Think about the books you like to read. How do they start? What grabbed you on the first page? Your essay isnt fiction, but the same principle applies here. Your introductory paragraph should also feature some sort of thesis statement, so the topic of your essay is clear. The body paragraphs should contain details, facts, and evidence that support the theme or thesis statement introduced in the first paragraph. These paragraphs are important because they make up the meat of your essay. Dont skimp on information but be judicious - make every sentence, and even every word, count. If you write something that doesnt support that main theme or point of your essay, take it out.   The concluding paragraph of your MBA essay should be just that - a conclusion. Wrap up what you are saying and reiterate your main points. Do not present new evidence or points in this section.   Printing and Emailing Your Essay If you are printing out your essay and submitting it as part of a paper-based application, you should print the essay out on plain white paper. Do not use colored paper, patterned paper, etc. You should also avoid colored ink, glitter, or any other embellishments designed to make your essay stand out.   If you are emailing your essay, follow all of the instructions. If the business school requested it to be emailed with other application components, you should do that. Do not email the essay separately unless you are instructed to do so - it could get in someones inbox. Finally, be sure to use the correct file format. For example, if the business school requested a DOC, that is what you should send.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

647 W2D "Three main reason projects fail" Essay

647 W2D "Three main reason projects fail" - Essay Example I believe that Newton MessagePad was an impossible project since it could not withstand the stiff competition in the market. Besides, it turned to be too expensive, too big and much difficult to use than earlier expected. So, it had to fail and bring such a bid loss to the company. On the other hand, Webvan’s online grocery supply project failed because of mismanagement. Although the project was launched at the beginning of the Dot-Com Bubble, it had to fail. Having keenly followed the events at this company, I concluded that the internet grocery supply project failed because it was poorly managed. This was evidenced in 1999 when the company hired George Shaheen as its new head. After his appointment, Shaheen did not help in developing the company. Instead, he came up with expansionist policies of building branches in 26 cities without considering market and strengthening the already existing outlets. At the same time, he did not establish an effective communication between the executive management, project managers and team members (Gomez-Mejia et al., 2008). As a result, the project tremendously failed in 2001 only after managing to reach up to 10 cities. Last, but not least, IBM’s IBM 7030 (Stretch) Project failed in 1964 after it was launched in 1961 because it was over constrained. Although the management of IBM had planned to invent the world’s fastest supercomputer, it could not manage to achieve this goal because the project was seriously challenged. Its experts could not make such a computer because they lacked the required resources and skills. This explains why they were able to build a computer with a speed of only 40 times faster, not 100 times as anticipated. Hence, the project failed after selling only 9 computers. Had it not been over constrained, the company would have accomplished its goal (Flyvbjerg,

Friday, October 18, 2019

Public Diplomacy and Media Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Public Diplomacy and Media - Research Paper Example Journalists operate within an ethical framework and are responsible for informing the society through media. Considering issues of propaganda stories, and factors like evidence gathering and working along with justice departments journalists may need to rely on press release statements, by quoting or printing their statements when informing the society. One, misinformation and lies to capture the public’s attention could discredit the journalists and media group they work for, least to mention the violation of the code that governs media reporting. Though the demand for news is high, accuracy and authenticity are also critical. Second, in such time when public relations has risen and embraced by many institutions, journalism seems to be shrinking; most journalists would seek out certain information from organizations’ publicity agents while internet technology gives an opportunity for PR to now bypass the press and get to directly communicate to the public.The western d omination in the media sphere has shaped and influenced foreign publics for quite a long period, which links it to its hard power and advantages over other countries. However, other countries have risen and developed strong means of persuasion capable of influencing the public discourse beyond their State boundaries through international broadcasting and cultural diplomacy other than the traditional government related policies. International broadcasting: Global influence has been achieved in the broader sense.

Product Name and Package Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Product Name and Package - Essay Example There is already a well-coordinated ice cream network in the region, with extensive help of the several chains of supermarkets. Most the ice cream products sold in France occur in the supermarkets, hypermarkets and other ice-cream shops. The product logo has exploited the use of what the French people love most: their dessert, wine, and new culinary creations. There is a sense of the French culture the product logo. The English translation of the name means endless joy. The product drives the message that it could bring endless to joy to every consumer that partake a product. The people could be motivated to purchase the product because they associate the product to the love for their culture. It develops the feeling of pride. The color and message driven by the use of the words attract the attention of the customer. The color of the logo is quite similar and sensitive to the different types of ice cream sold in the market. The graphics used in the writings are readable. The front too is okay, as the letters are well outlined. Haagen Dazs has exploited most of the above name features in advertising their brand in the market. At one moment, the Hagen Dazs company was experiencing problems in the market primarily because of the constant increase in competition in the market. The company management decided to address the issue with having a complete product rebrand. The company exploited the people love for honey, by associating their product flavors to be from the bees. This was present in the product logo, marking the company a success once more (â€Å"Haagen-Dazs supports cause†). The advertising aspect of the product adheres to the local rules on food and beverages. The law is against advertising of alcohol to underage kids. Despite having several alcohol flavors in the brands, the logo does not anything alcoholic in promoting the product. However, the firm has taken certain measures in ensuring that the alcoholic

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The inequality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The inequality - Essay Example The blame game going on is deep-rooted in the inappropriate structure of the American economy that cultivates inequality. Economic inequality can be gauged by comparing the earnings of a worker at the top with those of a worker at the middle. The economic inequality has grown more than two-folds from 1978 to 2010. Today, 400 Americans have more income than half of the total population of The US. In the economic boom from the Second World War up until 1978, economic benefits were widely distributed and the whole society benefited. But as the US started to recover from the economic recession of 2008, 95% of the gains went to the top 1% people. Something happened in the early 1980s that altered the relationship between economic growth and wages for the worse. Along with the stagnation of wages for the middle-class, costs of housing, education, healthcare and other facilities have soared up. Multinational companies are not increasing their products or services’ range so that more people would be hired because more and more people are aspiring to join the middle class while the purchasing power of the massive middle class in the US is decreasing. The stringent tax laws of the US serve as a disincentive for multinational corporations to bring their money to the US, so they instead spend their money buying other companies e.g. Microsoft buying Nokia. Some inequality is desirable in a capitalist system to motivate people to work hard and rise up economically, but the real problem is rooted in the inequality of opportunities in the US. The inequality of opportunities is much attributable to biased tax laws determined by the top 1% in their own favor. The existing economic structure of the US is shattering Americans’ confidence in democracy at large. An economy cannot be stable without having a strong middle-class. When adjusted for inflation, the median wage in the US is declining, and that is increasing the

Assessment of the Current Economic Condition in the USA Research Paper

Assessment of the Current Economic Condition in the USA - Research Paper Example During the last two years employment level in the country continuously declined and as such the pace of economic growth has slowed down. As such the overall role of FED becomes relatively more critical because of the monetary policy regulator of the country. A critical assessment of the overall economic situation of the country is therefore of critical importance as it will allow a better policy formulation as well as provide a broader understanding of how the different variables are acting together to create this sort of economic crisis. The basic purpose of this report is to assess the overall economic conditions of the country, an assessment of the steps undertaken by FED so far and to produce set of policy recommendations which may be considered by FOMC in its next meeting. In order to discuss and assess the current status of the economy, it is important that the background information must also be provided in order to assess the core issues faced currently faced by the US economy. During 2008, the Bureau of Economic Research publically announced that the US economy is in a deep recession. This announcement was just a mere acknowledgment of the fact that the country’s economy was already under a threat from going into the recession and probably depression also. If one attempts to trace the origins of the current economic crisis, it will emerge that the situation started to get worse when the financial sector as a whole was gradually de-regulated by the authorities. The de-regulation of the financial sector allowed banks and other financial institutions to engage in the practices which were relatively risky for the long-term survival of the firms. As such the focus was on the achievement of short-term results rather than ensuring that the long-term stability is achieved.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The inequality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The inequality - Essay Example The blame game going on is deep-rooted in the inappropriate structure of the American economy that cultivates inequality. Economic inequality can be gauged by comparing the earnings of a worker at the top with those of a worker at the middle. The economic inequality has grown more than two-folds from 1978 to 2010. Today, 400 Americans have more income than half of the total population of The US. In the economic boom from the Second World War up until 1978, economic benefits were widely distributed and the whole society benefited. But as the US started to recover from the economic recession of 2008, 95% of the gains went to the top 1% people. Something happened in the early 1980s that altered the relationship between economic growth and wages for the worse. Along with the stagnation of wages for the middle-class, costs of housing, education, healthcare and other facilities have soared up. Multinational companies are not increasing their products or services’ range so that more people would be hired because more and more people are aspiring to join the middle class while the purchasing power of the massive middle class in the US is decreasing. The stringent tax laws of the US serve as a disincentive for multinational corporations to bring their money to the US, so they instead spend their money buying other companies e.g. Microsoft buying Nokia. Some inequality is desirable in a capitalist system to motivate people to work hard and rise up economically, but the real problem is rooted in the inequality of opportunities in the US. The inequality of opportunities is much attributable to biased tax laws determined by the top 1% in their own favor. The existing economic structure of the US is shattering Americans’ confidence in democracy at large. An economy cannot be stable without having a strong middle-class. When adjusted for inflation, the median wage in the US is declining, and that is increasing the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Intellectual Property Rights and the Rights of the Poor Term Paper

Intellectual Property Rights and the Rights of the Poor - Term Paper Example Concomitantly, such restrictions lead not only to a lack of access to research information in developing countries but also to a lack of motivation within these countries to further conduct research and development for the benefit of the local community and also of worldwide community. Ultimately, the body of human knowledge and development is restricted in this way. This point has been made by a variety of experts in the field. Dugie Standeford1, for example, cites the statements of Professors Joseph Stiglitz and John Sulston2 in this regard. According to these academics, the current patent system is to be criticized for the way in which it restricts rather than disseminates information. Furthermore, it also stifles the development of science and innovation, particularly involving professionals and other great minds from developing countries. Standeford distinguishes between physical property rights and IP regimes. Whereas physical property can be restricted in terms of benefits to others, an intangible phenomenon such as knowledge cannot be so restricted. IP regimes, however, attempts to do precisely this. Although some believe that IP regimes drive innovation by means of protecting the rights of the innovator, others hold that the pace of science is impeded by the danger of lawsuits as a result of any new innovations. Furthermore, the expense of building upon existing knowledge is simply not possible for some of the most worthy scientists residing in poorer countries. This leads to monopolies on bodies of knowledge, which puts it in the hands of the privileged few, while those who might truly benefit have no access or means to further the existing research. In addition, Standeford makes the point that private and social returns are not in accord in terms of IP regimes. This, for example, restricts the benefits that citi zens may gain from research to the rich, whereas the poor are marginalized and restricted from benefits, particularly in the medical field. Standeford mentions the Human Genome Project3 in this regard. In general, Standeford's point is that the gap between the rich and the poor is widening on both the local and the global scale as a result of IP regimes.     

Monday, October 14, 2019

Assisted suicide Essay Example for Free

Assisted suicide Essay Should assisted suicide or euthanasia be legal in situations where an individual is experiencing intense suffering?   This question brings to light moral and ethical issues which have been the cause of heated debate for several years.   In an attempt to find an answer, assisted suicide, euthanasia, and mercy killings must first be defined. Assisted suicide is when someone provides an individual who is physically able, with the means necessary to end his or her own life.   Euthanasia is when someone provides the means necessary and then performs the act that takes the life of another individual.    This act may take place either with or without the consent of the individual who is suffering.   Euthanasia is performed when death is considered to be in the best interest of the individual in question.   (Mathes, 2004)   Euthanasia is often performed by administering extremely high doses of narcotics, sedatives or antidepressants. The patient develops respiratory depression which results in death. (Panzer, 2000) Doctor Jack Kevorkian emerged in the public eye in 1990 due to his involvement in the assisted suicides of at least 130 people.   Although many people credit him for launching the right-to-die movement, he did not.   He acted entirely on his own initiative until he was charged and convicted of second degree murder in the death of Thomas Youk.   Kevorkian didn’t launch the movement, but his actions did bring the right to die issue into the lime light.   (Humphry, 2007) There are pros and cons of assisted suicide.   Both sides of the issue are supported for specific reasons.   All of the reasons are completely understandable.   Unfortunately, whether or not you support assisted suicide is a matter of each individual’s moral and ethical guidelines.   The only factor that is definite is the fact that it’s illegal. The Pros of Assisted Suicide  · Patients are relieved of extreme suffering – Many illnesses including cancer cause a slow death accompanied by excruciating pain.   Doctors know when a patient is going to die as the result of an illness.   Some believe that allowing a patient to experience such unbearable pain when they are going to die anyway is inhumane and unacceptable.  · Every person has the right to choose whether they live or die – The constitution doesn’t state that a person doesn’t have the right to choose death. Therefore, everyone has the right to choose for themselves.  · Patients have the right to die with their dignity intact – Many terminal illnesses cause people to slowly deteriorate until they lose control of their bodily functions.   In situations such as this, patients are stripped of their dignity.   They don’t want their families to remember them this way.   Patients should have the right to choose death with dignity.  · The cost of health care can be greatly reduced – Health care costs for the terminally ill can add up quickly and dip into any money or assets that the patient wanted to leave to family members in their will. If a person would rather die than then should be able to exercise that right.  · Medical staff can devote more time to saving lives Understaffed hospitals are common in the United States.   Situations such as this can affect the quality of care and can even cause overtired hospital staff to make errors that could be potentially harmful to patients.   Caring for dying patients takes a lot of time.   If a patient would rather die and are allowed to do so, then hospital staff could devote more time to the care of patients who will recover.  · Disallowing suicide infringes on the patients religious freedoms – Religious beliefs include life in the hereafter. Laws disallowing suicide allow the government to force their religious and moral beliefs on everyone else.  · Assisted suicide can make it easier on family – Families often experience as much pain as their dying family member.   They are often overcome by grief and stress by watching a loved one suffer, knowing they are going to die anyway.   Oftentimes patients would prefer to die rather than to watch their family members hurt so much.   Allowing the patient to choose death can ease the pain and suffering of the family and the patient.  · Healthy organs can be harvested to save the life of someone else – Hundreds of people are on organ waiting lists waiting for healthy organs needed to save their lives.   When a patient is slowly dying, their organs begin to shut down and cease to function making them unusable as a donor organs.   If a patient is allowed to die, their organs can be used to save lives.  · Patients who want to die may attempt suicide on their own – If patients choose to end their lives on their own, they will use whatever means necessary. Sometimes they choose a bullet or a noose and this can be devastating to the family.   Assisted suicide is a more humane way for patients to die. (Messerli, 2007) The Cons of Assisted Suicide  · Violation of the Hippocratic Oath – When doctors take part in assisted suicides they are violated the Hippocratic Oath which includes, â€Å"First, do no harm.†Ã‚   Furthermore, it would undermine the trust between doctor and patient.  · Assisted suicide devalues human life – In the United States when death occurs, we mourn and part of the process includes celebrating the life of the person who died with memorial services, wakes and other ceremonies.   When there are tragedies that result in loss of life, we donate money to the families who suffered loss.   Americans place value on a human life and taking a life through assisted suicide because it’s the easy way out, eliminates that value.  · Legalizing assisted suicide could lead to abuses – If the United States legalizes assisted suicide for dying patients there will some who will use it as a catalyst to legalize all suicide due to emotional or psychological issues or simply because a person no longer desires to live.   This would be a travesty.  · â€Å"Thou shall not kill.† – Just about every religion has laws against killing.   Allowing assisted suicide would demean the religious and moral values of our society.  · Patients would give up too easily – If a patient is given a terminal diagnosis and assisted suicide is legal, they may choose to give up on life too soon.   There have been miraculous recoveries and incorrect diagnosis.   Patients, who choose death too soon, may forfeit their second chance at life.  · Insurance companies would put on the pressure – If assisted suicide was an option, doctors would be pressured by insurance companies to act.   Insurance companies would save a lot of money by not having to pay for the health care of dying patients  · Too much power for doctors – Legalizing assisted suicide would put too much power in the doctor’s hands which could cause them to act in an unethical or immoral manner. (Messerli, 2007) Although the American Medical Association is against physician assisted suicide, there are still doctors who support and participate in this practice.   In one physician survey done by physicians in Oregon it was found that 53% of the physicians asked, approved of assisted suicide and 24% supported euthanasia. When a patient was experiencing extreme physical weakness, 37% of the physicians asked, supported assisted suicide and 24% supported euthanasia.   In situations where patients believed that they were causing undue distress to their loved ones, 24% of physicians supported assisted suicide and 7% supported euthanasia. When patients had lost all hope in living, physicians supported assisted suicide by 22% and 7% supported euthanasia. In another survey taken by a group of one-hundred and fifty-five oncologists, it was found that 15.8% admitted to participating in either assisted suicide or euthanasia.   In 60.5% of the cases, patients requested euthanasia or assisted suicide.   There were 15.8% of patients who didn’t make the decision that their life be ended, but the decision was made for them. Research seems to consistently reveal that a small number of doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers have admitted to participating in ending the lives of patients.   (Panzer, 2000) Incidentally, the American Nurses Association also opposes assisted suicide and euthanasia.   The ANA defines the standards expected and the ethics by which nurses are bound.   The ANA also developed the â€Å"The Code for Nurses† and published it in 1976.   â€Å"The Code† serves as a guide for practicing nurses, as well as a guide for evaluating nurses.   The ANA further expresses that the nursing profession follows in the tradition of the Hippocratic Oath, â€Å"do no harm.†Ã‚   There is often a thin line between the â€Å"preservation of life† and a â€Å"dignified death,† but the Code emphatically observes its opposition to assisted suicide and euthanasia.   However, the ANA views the withdrawal of treatments meant to sustain life such as a ventilator, chemotherapy or a feeding tube, as within the rights of the patient.   (Mathes, 2004) Surprisingly, very few patients actually follow through with assisted suicides.   Many feel that since so few people are seriously interested in assisted suicide that the need for legislation isn’t justified.   Only one in ten patients request the lethal medications and only half ingest it.   Knowing that assisted suicide is an option is a comfort for dying patients.   Even if they never do it, they know there’s a way out if their pain and suffering becomes unbearable. However, many hospice caregivers contend that the pain isn’t so much a concern for the patients as is their quality of life.   (Jeffrey, 2006) Family members, who have experienced assisted suicide first-hand, have mixed reactions.   While some describe the death of their loved one as peaceful or beautiful, some are devastated because their loved one chose death.   Family members give similar descriptions of the natural deaths of loved ones.   (Jeffrey, 2006) The question of whether or not assisted suicide or euthanasia should be legalized or not is a very personal issue.   The answer will depend on such factors as religious beliefs and moral values.   It’s not an issue that the government should even address.   If the government takes a stand and either opposes or supports assisted suicide and euthanasia, they are then imposing their beliefs on the people.   If the government imposes their beliefs on everyone then our country is no longer a democracy.   On the other hand, the United States was founded and built on Christian principles.   Perhaps the government should decide their position on the issue based on the teachings of Christianity.   The debate will likely continue for many years because there isn’t a cut and dry answer.   There is no right or wrong answer.   Everyone needs to decide based on their own personal convictions.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Skin Functions, Structure and Relationship with the Body

Skin Functions, Structure and Relationship with the Body The main function of the skin, its structure and the relationship between the skin, circulatory and nervous system Draw a label diagram of the skin and describe its structures and key parts (See diagram attached) The skin is the largest organ in the human body. It has three layers; the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous layer. The epidermis Google images (2016) The upper or outer layer of the two main layers of cells that make up the skin. The epidermis is mostly made up of flat, scale-like cells called squamous cells. These cells produce melanin, which gives the skin its colour ( 2016). The epidermis is the outmost layer of the skin, the skin we can see. This layer differs in thickness; it is thinner on the eyelids and nipples than it is on the soles of feet and palms of hands. This layer has water resistant properties and protects us from cuts and injuries. The epidermis contains the pigment melanin which gives us our skin tone. The dermis Google images (2016) Lying underneath the epidermis-the most superficial layer of our skin-is the dermis. The dermis is a tough layer of skin. ( N/D). The dermis is the layer beneath the epidermis; this layer is attached to the blood and nerve supply. It consists of sweat glands and hair follicles and connective tissues. The subcutaneous layer (Google Images 2016) The bottom layer of skin is the subcutaneous fat layer. (American Academy of Dermatology 2016). The subcutaneous layer is made up of fatty tissues or bundles of adipose tissue. This layer is responsible for retaining heat in the body. The smaller these bundles of adipose tissue are, the less over weight you are likely to be. Functions of the skin Protection: The skin helps to protect us from things such as dehydration, harmful microorganisms, bacteria and UV rays from the sun. Absorption: The skin can absorb substances that the body need such as oxygen and nitrogen. Some medications/ointments may be applied to and absorbed by the skin for muscle pain, for example, deep heat or oriental tiger balm. Sensation: Receptors in the skin allow us to touch and feel pain, heat and cold. Temperature Regulation: Sweating begins at around 37Â °C. The sweat comes to the surface of the skin and evaporates, causing the body to reduce the heat, as well as this, the hair on our arms lie down to allow the heat to escape. When we are cold the opposite happens: the hairs stand up and goose bumps form to trap any heat in the body in order to warm us up again. Immunity: The skin and the immune system work together to make the immune to microorganisms and bacteria. Movement and growth: The skin is stretchy because of its elastic properties and this allows the covering of the whole body and the movement of the individual. Excretion: The skin allows materials such as urea, excess water and ammonia out of the skin. By-products that arent wanted or needed by the skin are released through sweat glands in the form of sweat. Excretion is an important function to note about the skin (New Health Advisor 2014). Vitamin production: Upon exposure to ultraviolet light (the sun), the skin produces vitamin D. This is important for the growth and strengthening of bone (Curran 2016). The relationship between the skin, circulatory system and the nervous system. The skin The skin is the largest organ in the body and is wide spread throughout the whole body. The skin absorbs essential nutrients and oils through the pores and this provides moisture to the skin. The skin consists of three layers: The dermis, epidermis and subcutaneous layer. The dermis is the layer beneath the epidermis; this layer is attached to the blood and nerve supply. It consists of sweat glands and hair follicles and connective tissues. The epidermis is the outmost layer of the skin, the skin we can see. This layer differs in thickness; it is thinner on the eyelids and nipples than it is on the soles of feet and palms of hands. This layer has water resistant properties and protects us from cuts and injuries. The epidermis contains the pigment melanin which gives us our skin tone. The subcutaneous layer is made up of fatty tissues or bundles of adipose tissue. This layer is responsible for retaining heat in the body. The smaller these bundles of adipose tissue are, the less over weight you are likely to be. Functions of the skin Protection: The skin helps to protect us from things such as dehydration, harmful microorganisms, bacteria and UV rays from the sun. Absorption: The skin can absorb substances that the body need such as oxygen and nitrogen. Some medications/ointments may be applied to and absorbed by the skin for muscle pain, for example, deep heat or oriental tiger balm. Sensation: Receptors in the skin allow us to touch and feel pain, heat and cold. Temperature Regulation: Sweating begins at around 37Â °C. The sweat comes to the surface of the skin and evaporates, causing the body to reduce the heat, as well as this, the hair on our arms lie down to allow the heat to escape. When we are cold the opposite happens: the hairs stand up and goose bumps form to trap any heat in the body in order to warm us up again. Immunity: The skin and the immune system work together to make the immune to microorganisms and bacteria. Movement and growth: The skin is stretchy because of its elastic properties and this allows the covering of the whole body and the movement of the individual. Excretion: The skin allows materials such as urea, excess water and ammonia out of the skin. By-products that arent wanted or needed by the skin are released through sweat glands in the form of sweat. Excretion is an important function to note about the skin (New Health Advisor 2014). Vitamin production: Upon exposure to ultraviolet light (the sun), the skin produces vitamin D. This is important for the growth and strengthening of bone (Curran 2016). The nervous system The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord and all of the nerves that connect to these organs to the rest of the body. The cells in the nervous system are known as neurons and they transmit impulses along the nerves to carry messages between the brain and the body via the spinal cord. When the brain receives the information, it processes it before sending out the demands for the body. Neurons contain a long axon which is protects by myelin sheath as well as tiny branches called dendrons which branch out into smaller parts called dendrites ( BBC 2017). (BBC 2017). The autonomic nervous system regulates some body processes like blood pressure and breathing which work without any effort from the person. The somatic system consists of the nerves that are connected to the receptors in the skin. This is the system that protects us form getting burnt when holding or hand on a hot surface because the brain sends signals via the spinal cord to tell us to lift the hand off the surface. The circulatory system The circulatory system consists of the heart, blood containing oxygen and carbon dioxide and the blood vessels including veins, arteries and capillaries. These blood vessels have muscles inside their walls in which the blood flows through and these muscles are controlled by the nervous system. The circulatory system is responsible for providing blood, hormones, nutrients and oxygen to all the cells in the body. This system also fights infection through white blood cells and antibodies and aid in the clotting of blood through platelets which form scabs on the surface of the skin when cut and exposed to oxygen. (Google Images 2017) The relationship between the skin, nervous system and circulatory system The skin, nervous system and circulatory system work together in order to ensure the body is functioning the way it should. The somatic nervous system works with the central nervous system to protect the skin. It does this by telling us to lift our hand off a hot surface to avoid burning ourselves. The nervous system and circulatory system are connected by the lymphatic system and work together to maintain blood pressure and regulation of the heart. The nervous system tells the circulatory system to pump blood around the body. The nervous system and circulatory system needs to function correctly and work together to ensure the rest of the body is functioning properly. The nervous system controls all functions of the body. The circulatory system provides blood flow and regulates body temperature. The skin works together with it to regulate the body temperature. When too hot the blood vessels dilate, the hairs lie down and we sweat to allow excess heat to escape the body. When we are t oo cold the hairs stand up and goose bumps form to trap any heat in the body. If blood flow is restricted, the skin becomes pale. If one of these systems became damaged in any way, the body would have abnormal functioning (Curran 2017). (iii) Using the table format give examples of viral, bacterial, fungal skin diseases. Viral Bacterial Fungal Gastroenteritis Pneumonia Athletes foot Common cold Meningitis Cutaneous Candidiasis Flu Food Poisoning Tinea Versicolor Cold sores Impetigo Onychomycosis Chicken Pox Cellulitis Tinea Capitis Herpes Boils Ringworm (Native Remedies 2016) (On Health 2016) (Remedies health communities 2016) Â   Â  

Saturday, October 12, 2019

A new Experience :: essays research papers

In class we read four stories about immigrants and their experiences. Out of all the stories the one that touched me and I could relate to the most was â€Å"No Speak English† by Sandra Cisneros. Mamacita is the main character in this story. She is the new comer, â€Å"immigrant†, in the new city. Mamacita later on starts missing her home very much. She paints her walls in her apartment pick like her old pink house. All she does all day, is sit by the window listening to the Spanish radio shows just so that she could hear songs that reminded her of her country to that she wouldn’t feel so homesick. Then she realized that it actually made her miss it more. Then as time passes by, her baby boy starts talking in English and she can’t understand, making her hurt badly. I can definitely relate to Mamasita’s experience to my mother’s experience when she arrived in America, New York to be exact. My mom missed her home in Colombia very much. She would try to do or listen to everything that she though wouldn’t make her feel so homesick but the realized just as well, that it made her feel even more homesick. My mom isolated herself from the world and didn’t meet anybody for the first 4 months. My mom began thinking to herself during these four months, â€Å"How can you meet other people and make a new home a familiar environment for yourself if you never give it a chance and leave the house?† Lately, I have been realizing that experiences like this are never easy. Feeling alone really hurts a lot of people emotionally, especially being different from everyone else around you. When you feel different from the new people around you, you begin to feel left out and all you want to do is run and hide. Doing this does not allow you to meet new people and experience new things. There is nothing wrong with your own kind or what you are used to being around but then you will never be okay in an unfamiliar environment. A new Experience :: essays research papers In class we read four stories about immigrants and their experiences. Out of all the stories the one that touched me and I could relate to the most was â€Å"No Speak English† by Sandra Cisneros. Mamacita is the main character in this story. She is the new comer, â€Å"immigrant†, in the new city. Mamacita later on starts missing her home very much. She paints her walls in her apartment pick like her old pink house. All she does all day, is sit by the window listening to the Spanish radio shows just so that she could hear songs that reminded her of her country to that she wouldn’t feel so homesick. Then she realized that it actually made her miss it more. Then as time passes by, her baby boy starts talking in English and she can’t understand, making her hurt badly. I can definitely relate to Mamasita’s experience to my mother’s experience when she arrived in America, New York to be exact. My mom missed her home in Colombia very much. She would try to do or listen to everything that she though wouldn’t make her feel so homesick but the realized just as well, that it made her feel even more homesick. My mom isolated herself from the world and didn’t meet anybody for the first 4 months. My mom began thinking to herself during these four months, â€Å"How can you meet other people and make a new home a familiar environment for yourself if you never give it a chance and leave the house?† Lately, I have been realizing that experiences like this are never easy. Feeling alone really hurts a lot of people emotionally, especially being different from everyone else around you. When you feel different from the new people around you, you begin to feel left out and all you want to do is run and hide. Doing this does not allow you to meet new people and experience new things. There is nothing wrong with your own kind or what you are used to being around but then you will never be okay in an unfamiliar environment.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Life of Cleopatra

One of the well thought-out classic scopes was the life of Cleopatra. She was considered as one of the most famous and influential figures in olden times. Because of the Hollywood film done for her account it was very tough to find which was real and which myth was. Her life was full of scheme and cleverness, and mystery. She was truly a dominant and radiant woman whose places in history, her tools that took her to manage many powerful men in her life and also led her to ultimate demise were her beauty, native allure and appeal.A lover, warrior, mother, enthusiast of all that brought splendor, queen of Nile, and were the account associated to her, but the certain thing was that she was last Pharaoh of Egypt. The life of Cleopatra was influenced the mythological ideas of the most writers as well as Shakespeare. Through her life the substitute ability to Catholic academic doctrine was recognized. As the matter of fact the influence of outside literature and arts were commanding in Rome up to now. And by her impressive history, many writer was trying to dig deeper the reality of her life.And this was the beginning of her epic life. Cleopatra VII Philopator or Cleopatra the destined queen was born in Alexandra the former capital of Egypt 69 years before the birth of Christ. A beautiful baby was the eldest child of Cleopatra VI Tryphaina and Ptolemy XII Auletes Theos Philopator Philadelphos Neo Dionysos also known as Ptolemy XII the reigning pharaoh of that time. At the very young age of nine, Ptolemy her father was allegedly a son of a non-married couple, her father was trying to overcome the trial for his fading supremacy by bribing authoritative Romans.Cleopatra VI was died when they returned to Egypt. Through Roman forces the throne was regained by his father. At 51 BC her 9 years old brother Ptolemy XIII was married to her at the age 18, with the same age together with her brother and husband she became the queen of Egypt by inheriting the ruler ship of her fat her. In the beginning of Cleopatra’s reign all was not so easy due to the fact of her age, many groups were too envious of her cleverness and for ruling the entire Egypt unaided and she had to compete with her enemies, and these were the reasons why she struggled completely.The Romans were conquering city after city, until the ministers pressed Cleopatra out of her command after ruling the Egypt for three years. She moved out of Egypt and lived in Syria and left the throne to her brother alone that she thought agreed with the situation. Because of the circumstances she was too infuriated but didn’t give up. When she learned that Julius Caesar was in Alexandria, Cleopatra planned to go back to her native land in secret to escape from the hand of her brother.To get coalition against her brother Ptolemy XIII and to defend her mother landed from fraud, as what the most accounts told that Cleopatra offered her virgin body and surrendered it in the form of rug, she covered u p herself in an oriental rug and presented it to the general who almost four times of her age . And she got the attention of the Romans general, Julius Caesar fall in love at the first sight to her when the rugs unfold. Her charisma and allure beauty surpassed the influence of Caesar. Ptolemy XIII affirmed warfare against Caesar and his Roman soldiers since he believed that he was deceived.Caesar took controlled of the throne of Alexandria when he defeated Ptolemy XIII in the war. After the battle Caesar due to his loved to Cleopatra he gave back the power to Cleopatra to rule the Egypt alongside with her brother Ptolemy XIV as co-leader. In June 47 BC Cleopatra bore a child and to emphasize that her son was from Caesar she named him Ptolemy XV Caesarion, but Caesar never properly acknowledged fatherhood. In 46 BC General Julius Caesar returned to Rome he brought Cleopatra and his son showing as a prisoner of war because he was already married with Calpurnia.But Cleopatra fought for her privilege; she asserted to be the wife of Caesar that brought him to assassination in 44 BC. After Caesar murdered Cleopatra go back to Egypt, she recognized her son Ptolemy XV Caesarion as her co-monarch regardless of the rumor that she perhaps killed her brother Ptolemy XIV. Rome Empire began to divide upon the death of Julius Caesar, and because of Caesar assassination Cleopatra’s throne was in danger; she collaborated with Marc Antony the subsequently Roman forces governor of the area, an old companion of Caesar.She proved to Marc dramatically and convinced him that she was not guilty about the allegation to her regarding her support to the followers of Julius in Rome, apparently, she got the hold up and captured his interest. Marc left Cleopatra with twin in her womb after he spent the whole winter in Alexandria with her. In the meantime he went to his first wife Fulvia who died in 40 BC. In 37 BC Marc went back to Antioch with Cleopatra and undergone a matrimony of marriage in 36 BC. With the same year a baby boy named Ptolemy Philadelphus was born to them.After they knew that Ptolemy XV was lost controlled his territory including Lebanon which is formerly part of Cyprus, officially Marc renovate to Egypt. After the military victory in 34 BC he tied Cleopatra in Alexandria and recognized Caesarion as the son of Julius Caesar and affirmed the joint rulership of Cleopatra and her son. When the Romans threatened specially Octavian formerly ally of Antony, conceding of country by Marc to Cleopatra was used by Octavian to destroy the trust of the ministers to him.Because of this, the Romans were not happy to their relationship because they considered that the loyalty of Marc was not in the Rome Empire anymore since he gave away the power of ruling Egypt to Cleopatra. In 31 BC Marc Antony lost to Octavian in Battle of Actium because of the misstep pointing to Cleopatra. Cleopatra tried to persuade Octavian to support her offspring to progression of authority but she was unsuccessful to make a deal. Unfortunately, luck was twisted against them. After the defeat of Marc Antony to Octavian and lost all his support he committed suicide and die in the arm of his beautiful wife Cleopatra.Since all of the Roman forces go against Cleopatra she decided to cut off her life by poisoning herself with the use of snake and died in admiration and was the very last Pharaoh of EgyptBIBLIOGRAPHYAnalysis of Four Character of Shakespeare http://www. free-essays. us/dbase/d3/lva130. shtmlAncient Egyptian Pharaohs: http://www. 123helpme. com/view. asp? id=23405Biography and history of Cleopatra http://en. oboulo. com/biography-and-history-of-cleopatra-44856. htmlBiography of Cleopatra http://www. chevroncars. com/learn/famous-people/cleopatraChronology of Cleopatra’s Life http://atrium-media. com/bibliotheca/romanhistory/cleopatrahist. htmlCleopatra – Queen Of Egypt: http://www. 123helpme. com/view. asp? id=58913Cleopatra, Ruler of E gypt http://www. infoplease. com/biography/var/cleopatra. htmlCleopatra’s Wiles http://www. azete. com/preview/58914Greco-Roman Influence in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra http://www. 123HelpMe. com/view. asp? id=16285Isabelle Vignier. The Tragic in Antony and Cleopatra, June 2004 http://www. literature-study-online. com/essays/antony-cleopatra. htmlShakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra http://www. uk/english-essays/shakespeare-anthony-cleopatra. phpThe Female Pharaoh Cleopatra – History Essay http://www. freeonlineresearchpapers. com/female-pharaoh-cleopatraThe Love Story of Antony and Cleopatra http://www. azete. com/preview/8726The Masks of Anthony and Cleopatra http://www. thefreelibrary. com/The+Masks+of+Anthony+and+Cleopatra-a0161065564The Story of Cleopatra in Ancient Egypt http://www. echeat. com/essay. php? t=30239What are some conflicts and compromises in Cleopatra's life time? http://answers. yahoo. com/question/index? qid=20071227 084535AAGJBCP

Thursday, October 10, 2019


The Sunflower Over the summer we read the book â€Å"The Sunflower†, a story written by Simon Waistlines. The story consists of a man named Simon having to make a choice of to forgive someone that has brought him great pain. Simon Is faced with Nazi asking for forgiveness for all the people he has killed over the years. Simon makes a choice but later regrets It. The book â€Å"The Sunflower† starts with Simon Waistlines being put Into a concentration camp during the Holocaust.He lives his life as a prisoner day by day until one day he is taken with a group to clean trash at a hospital. While walking through the town to the hospital he sees a cemetery for Nazi soldiers. He noticed that each grave had a single sunflower planted on top of it. When Simon reaches the hospital he is called inside by TA nurse who brings him too patient's room. The room he was brought to was the one of a dying Nazi named Karl. Simon was stuck in Kart's room listening to his story about what he has done to Jews, the people he has killed and his mother.When Karl is done telling his story, he begs Simon for forgiveness. Without answering Simon leaves. He couldn't decide whether it was a good idea or not to forgive the Nazi. The day after, Simon is brought back to the hospital. The nurse again brings him inside and instead of going to the patient's room she gives him Kart's possessions. Karl had passes away the night before. One day after Simon is freed from the camp, he goes to visit Kart's mother's house. He thinks it will help him decide whether or not he made the right decision of not forgiving Karl.After he speaks to her, he still can't decide whether he made the right decision. At the end of the story he asked the reader what they would have done the same thing. I understand why Simon made that decision he did. I would've done the same thing. In anger a lot of decisions are made. Simon was Just very angry with Karl because he killed his own people. Asking for forgivenes s from something Like that Is a big thing. If I were Simon I would've done the same exact thing. I would have been angry with the man who killed a lot of my family friends and to ask for forgiveness after too.I would have never forgiven that man. Push By Holloway 4 forgive someone that has brought him great pain. Simon is faced with Nazi asking for later regrets it. The book â€Å"The Sunflower† starts with Simon Waistlines being put into a until one day he is taken with a group to clean trash at a hospital. While walking hospital he is called inside by TA nurse who brings him to a patient's room. The room speaks to her, he still can't decide whether he made the right decision. At the end of because he killed his own people. Asking for forgiveness from something like that is a Apush CHAPTER 11 * The tie between Aaron Burr and Jefferson meant that Jefferson had to be elected by the house of reps. * Jefferson and his secretary kept financial policies like funding, assumption, and the Bank of the U. S. in place. * The Jeffersonian Republicans showed their hostility by trying to impeach Justice Samuel Chase. * Marbury vs. Madison established judicial review; the right of the Supreme Court to declare legislation unconstitutional. * Jefferson cut the army to 2500 men because he thought a large army was a threat to liberty and economy. Jefferson’s deepest doubt about the Louisiana Purchase was that the purchase might be unconstitutional. * Lewis and Clark expedition demonstrated the viability of an overland American route to the Pacific. * After 1805, American shipping was severely hurt by trade restrictions imposed by both the British and French. * After the Chesapeake Affair Jefferson could have easily declared war on Britain with the enthusiastic support from both the Federalists and Republicans. (what is Chesapeake affair? ) * Jefferson’s embargo badly hurt Federalist New England as well as southern and western farmers. New Englanders overcame the effects of the embargo by trading illicitly with Canada and developing more domestic manufacturing. * The most revolutionary development in the critical election of 1800 was the peaceful transition of power form one political party to its opponent. * One federalist policy that Jefferson quickly overturned was the excise tax. * Jefferson was forced to reverse his strong opposition to substantial military forces b/c of the plunder and blackmailing of American shipping by North African states. Although greatly weakened after Jefferson’s election, the Federalist party’s philosophy continued to have great influence through the federalist judicial rulings of John Marshall * The tern â€Å"midnight judges† refers to Federalist judges appointed by Pres. John Adams at the l ast moments of his administration. * The republicans failure to impeach Supreme Court justice Samuel Chase established the principle that impeachment should be used only for â€Å"high crimes and misdemeanors† and not as a political weapon. * Jefferson focused his military construction policy primarily on building several hundred small gun boats. Embargo Act prohibited all foreign trade. * The crucial foreign goal for many â€Å"war hawks† in the war of 1812 was the capture and annexation of Canada. * Tecumseh and the prophet created a pan Indian military alliance against white expansion and also urged Native Americans to resist white ways and revive their traditional culture. * Native American resistance east of the Mississippi river was effectively crushed in the two battles of Tippecanoe and Horseshoe Bend. CHAPTER 12 * Napoleons decision to repeal his blockage decrees in response to Macon’s Bill No. 2 demonstrated how Madison was manipulated by napoleon. The large western delegations in Congress were very concerned about foreign policy issues such as Canada and maritime rights. * A good deal of western hostility to Britain arose b/c the war hawks believed that the British were supplying the Native Americans. * New Englanders did not want to acquire Canada at all. * Even though the New England shippers were most affected by overseas trade they did not want to confront Britain on issues for impressment and maritime rights. * American naval forces under Perry and Macdonough thwarted British-Canadian invasion threats to Detroit and upstate New York. Clay’s and Calhoun’s plans for an extensive system of federally funded roads and canals were blocked by Republican presidents who had constitutional objections. * The Era of Good Feelings under President Monroe was broken by the Panic of 1819 and the battle over slavery in Missouri. * B/c of its wildcat banking practices and land speculation, the west was hit especially hard in th e panic of 1819. * Missouri compromise: Missouri a slave state, Maine a free state and no more slavery would be permitted in the Louisiana Purchase territory north of the southern boundary of Missouri. John Marshalls Supreme Court rulings generally defended the power of the federal government against the power of the states. * The greatest American military successes of the War of 1812 came in the naval battles on the Great Lakes and elsewhere. * Two prominent American military heroes who emerged from the War of 1812 were Oliver Hazard Perry and Andrew Jackson. * The American victory in the Battle of New Orleans proved essentially meaningless b/c the peace treaty had been signed several weeks before. * The terms of the treaty of Ghent nding the War of 1812 provided that the two sides would stop fighting and return to the status quo before the war. * One significant consequence of the War of 1812 was an increase in domestic manufacturing and economic independence. * A significant int ernational consequence of the war of 1812 was a growth of Canadian patriotism and nationalism. * The new nationalistic feeling right after the war of 1812 was evident in the development of a distinctive national literature, an increased emphasis on economic independence, and a new pride in the American army and navy. * MuCulloch vs. Maryland: Justice John Marshall said that the federal bank of the U. S. was constitutional and no state had the right to tax it. * Daniel Webster joined John Marshall in expanding the power of the federal government at the expense of the states. * Andrew Jackson’s invasion of Florida led to permanent acquisition of the territory after Secretary of State Adams further pressured Spain to cede the area to the U. S. * The original impetus for declaring the Monroe doctrine came from a British proposal that American join Britain in guaranteeing the independence of the Latin American republics. The Monroe Doctrine asserted that the U. S. would not tolerate further European intervention or colonization in the Americas. * The immediate effect of the Monroe Doctrine at the time it was issued was very little. CHAPTER 13 * The â€Å"New Democracy† was based on the ending of property qualifications for the ballot in most states. * The voters failed to give an electoral majority to a ny candidate in 1824, so the house of reps. had to choose the president form among the top three candidates. * President Adams attempted to uphold strong nationalistic principles in a time of rowing sectionalism. The south and its leading spokesman, Calhoun, favored the tariff of 1816 but opposed the stronger tariff of 1828. * The election campaigns of 1828 were more about personalities and mudslinging than on the issues of tariffs and popular democracy. * The election of 1828 was in some ways a â€Å"revolution† of the common people of the West and South against the older, entrenched governing classes of the East. * The Jacksonians practiced their belief that the ordinary citizen was capable of holding almost any public office w/o particular qualifications. * One consequence of the spoils system was the building of the powerful political achienes based on favors and rewards distributed to political supporters. * In the Hayne-Webster debate, the southerner Hayne defended the doctrine of nullification by the states, while Webster attacked it as contrary to a union formed by the while American people rather than by the states. * An essential cause of the â€Å"New Democracy† was the increased stake in politics felt by ordinary citizens after the panic of 1819 and the Missouri Compromise. * A new, more democratic method of nominating presidential candidates was the national nominating convention. * The Jacksonian charge of a â€Å"corrupt bargain† to gain J. Q. A. the presidency arose b/c Clay was named secretary of state after throwing his support to Adams. * The New Democracy arose partly b/c economic distress and the issue of slavery in Missouri stimulated a heightened public awareness of politics. * One political innovation that illustrated the new popular voice in politics was the rise of national party conventions to nominate presidential candidates. * Adam being stubborn and prickly, his support for national roads, a notional university, and an astronomical observatory, and his anti-western land and Indian policies made his presidency a political failure. In the battle over the â€Å"Tariff of Abominations,† New England backed high tariffs while south demanded lower duties. * Under the surface of the South’s strong opposition to the â€Å"tariff of Abominations† was a fear of growing federal power that might interfere in slavery. * John C. Calhoun’s theory of â€Å"nullification† was based on the idea that states should be able to declare invalid those laws they deemed unconstitutional. * The concept of a political â€Å"revolution of 1828† rests on the increased involvement of ordinary voters in the political process. One of the central beliefs of the new Jacksonian democracy was that office holding should be open to as many ordinary citizens as possible. * One consequence of the spoil system was an increase in incompetence and corruption in government. * The Peggy Eaton affair contributed to the bitter, personal political conflict between Andrew Jackson and Calhoun. * Jackson’s Maysville Road veto signaled his opposition to Henry Clay’s American System. * In his debate with Hayne, Daniel Webster argued that the federal government had formed by the people and the states had no right to nullify federal law. CHAPTER 14 * Jackson ended South Carolina’s threat of nullification and secession by political pressure, compromise, and the threat of military action. * No states backed up South Carolina and their act of nullification against the federal government. * Jackson used his veto of the bill to recharter the bank of the U. S. to mobilize the common people of the west against the financial elite of the east. * The anti-Masonic third party of 1832 appealed strongly to American suspicion of secret societies and to anti-Jackson evangelical Protestants. * Jackson finally destroyed the Band of the U. S. y moving federal deposits to state banks; the independent treasury was not established until 1840. * Jackson defied the Supreme Court and ordered eastern Indians removed to Oklahoma. * American settlers in Texas clashed with the Mexican government over issues of slavery, immigration, and legal rights. * The Whig party eventually coalesced into a strong anti-Jackson party with a generally nationalistic outlook. * Van Buren suffered the bad effects of the anti-bank battle, especially in the panic of 1819. * The Whigs pretended that Harrison was from a poor background to form the basis appeal. Van Buren last the election of 1840 partly b/c voters connected him with the hard times caused by the panic of 1837. * The Whigs favored harmony and activism. The Democrats favored liberty and equality. * The two-party system placed a premium on political compromise within each party and thus tended to reduce the ideological conflict between the parties. * The nullification crisis in South Carolina ended when Henry Clay pushed through a compromise tariff that enabled South Carolina to save face. * Jackson’s veto if the bank recharter bill represented a bold assertion of presidential power on behalf of western farmers and other debtors. Among the new political development that appeared in the election of 1832 were third-party campaigning, national conventions, and party pla tforms. * Jackson’s Specie Circular declared that all public lands would have to be purchased with â€Å"hard† or metallic money. * One of Andrew Jackson’s weapons in his was against Nicholas Biddle’s Bank of the U. S. was removing federal deposits from the bank and transferring them to â€Å"pet† state banks. * One important result of President Jackson’s destruction of the bank of the U. S. was the lack of a stable banking system to finance the era of rapid industrialization. In theory, the U. S. government treated the Indians east if the Mississippi River as sovereign nations with whom the government negotiated and signed binding treaties. * Some eastern Indian peoples like the Cherokees were notable for their development of effectiveness agricultural, educational, and political institutions. * In promoting his policy of Indian removal, Jackson defied rulings of the U. S. Supreme Court that favored Cherokees. * The end result of Jacksonâ⠂¬â„¢s Indian policies the forcible removal of the most southeastern Indians to Oklahoma. * A particular source of friction b/w the gov’t. f Mexico and the immigrant settlers in Texas was the settlers’ importation of slaves. * In the aftermath of the successful Texas Revolution, Texas petitioned to join the U. S. but was refused admission. * The panic of 1837 and subsequent depression were caused by overspecutlation and Jacksons financial policies. * Whig Party: Henry Clay and Daniel Webster. Tended to favor a strong federal role in economic and moral issues. CHAPTER 15: * American frontier life was often plagued by poverty and illness. * The influx of Irish immigrants contributed to the rise of nativism and anti-Catholicism. Most early American manufacturing was concentrated in New England. * The principle of â€Å"general incorporation† permitted individual business people to apply for limited-liability corporate charters from the state legislatures. * The ear ly industrial revolution involved jobs with long hours and low wages. * Early labor unions made very slow progress; partly b/c the strike weapon was illegal and ineffective. * The steel plow and mechanical reaper helped turn American farmers from subsistence farming to commercial, market-oriented agriculture. * By 1840, canals were cheaper and more effective than highways. The Erie Canal’s great economic effect was to create strong east-west commercial and industrial links b/w the Northeast and the West (Midwest). * The railroad met much early opposition, especially from canal interest. * In the sectional division of labor that developed before the civil war, the south generally provided raw materials to the Northeast in exchange for manufactured goods, transportation, and commercial services. * Most women remained outside the market economy, in the home. * American industrial cities were the sites of a slow but steady rise in wage rates for most workers. By the time of the c ivil war, telegraph lines had been stretched across both the Atlantic Ocean and the North American continent. * The experience of frontier life was especially difficult for women. * As late as 1850, over one-half of the American population was under the age of thirty. * The primary economic activity in the Rocky Mountain West before the civil war was fur-trapping. * Americans came to look on their spectacular western wilderness areas especially as one of their distinctive, defining attributes as a new nation. The American painter who developed the idea for a national park system was George Catlin. * Two major sources of European immigration to America in the 1840’s and the 1850’s were Germany and Ireland. * One Consequence of the influx of new immigrants was an upsurge of anti-Catholicism. * Industrialization was at first slow to arrive in America b/c there was a shortage of labor, capital, and consumers. * The first industry to be shaped by the new factory system of m anufacturing goods was textiles. * Wages went up for most American workers in the 19th century except for women and children. A major change affecting the American family in the early 19th century was a decline in the average number of children per household. * The first major improvements in the American transportation system were steamboats and highways. * The new regional â€Å"division of labor† created by improved transportation meant that the south=cotton, the west=grain and livestock, and the east= manufacturing. * One effect if industrialization was a rise in the gap between rich and poor. * A major new technological development that linked America more closely to Europe was the transatlantic cable.