Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Persuasive Essay On Cigarettes - 894 Words

Cigarettes should be classified as a dangerous drug Smoking Cigarettes is very common for us teens and adults, it is something dangerous that you can do to your own health. People think that Cigarettes should be banned in the United States. The reason why is because it can destroy your health and it can also lead you to death. Over 1000 deaths each year because of Cigarettes. Cigarettes can also harm the environment, Why? Because air pollution. The sky would be unclean and polluted from all the smokes and it would impact people and kids. Cigarettes affect health by if a person smoke 1 Cigarette a day it does major effect to the person lung’s. Just imagine smoking a whole box a day. You’re just destroying your lung faster than ever. The†¦show more content†¦There are some times where Cigarettes are actually good but good or not, it still going to affect you somehow. We get about 400,000 deaths per year, 5 annually, or 1,300 everyday. A person who smokes dies 10 years earlier than a nonsmoker. 5.6 million children die from smoking. That equals 1 child out of 13 alive in the United States today. Smoking affect the heart and vessels by Atherosclerosis, which is a disease in which a waxy substance called plaque which builds up in your arteries. Aneurysms, which are bulging blood vessels that can burst and cause death. Breathing tobacco smoke can change your blood chemistry and damage your blood vessels. When you inhale smoke, cells that line your body’s blood vessels react to its chemicals. Your heart rate and blood pressure go up and blood vessels thicken and narrow. Cigarettes affect your lungs and breathing by causing a disease which is called â€Å"Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease† which is a disease that can get worse over time and cause shortness of breath, and makes your chest to tighten up. Emphysema which is a condition in which the walls between the air sacs in your lungs loses their ability to shrink back. Your lung tissue gets destroyed making it difficult or impossible to breathe. Smoking can also affect your vision because researchers had linked smoking to an increased risk of developing ageShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay On Cigarettes844 Words   |  4 PagesCigarettes have been around since the late 1800’s. Over that time, they have been perceived as t his trend setting drug that will make you super cool. Their advertisements convince the buyers that they would make you more appealing to the other sex, more interesting, and a better person if you would start smoking, and that for the most part has kept up to this day. However, thankfully to awareness advertisements we have become more informed on how dangerous cigarettes really are. 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